8. A meal for two

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Tap tap tap, my fingers drummed themselves against the counter as I turned the pages of my mental cookbook as I tried to think of what to do for the perfect recipe, as my darling precious 'husband' got himself ready for our first dinner together, with Crimp's bloody leg besides me. It's thick gooey glittery blood dripping onto the counter as I pondered my thoughts together,

I was thinking of my grandma's old recipe for fettuccine but I didn't want to overwhelm him and make him sick. So I suppose a light stew would do since it wasn't too much and the bone broth I could make will definitely be useful for future uses.

I want to make something light and slowly bring him onto more solid carb filled meals I doubt that he was making sure that he had proper nutrition, especially with the additional pressure of Velvet giving him hell if he stuffed himself properly.

The media also didn't help as I've seen the snarky comments on his socials on how he was the heavier of the two siblings. It stung me heavily as he wasn't at all heavy, if anything the poor thing was nothing but skin and bones. But a certain other Rageon crossed my mind as an additional party to Veneer's rapid decay,

Kid Ritz, the sleaze was an additional factor and the thought of his name caused the knife I was holding to embed itself into the cutting board as I chopped a mushroom.

'Venny baby, you should probably lose a couple, I mean don't want the vultures to think you're letting yourself go, I mean you are getting a bit chungo~' I snarled as I would do such unholy things to him if I ever got my hands on him. I felt my claws dig themselves into the counter as I knew an angry snarl rested on my face as I recalled that night after Kid said that vile sentence in that condescending voice that carried a sense of false care.

I had to convince my poor darling that he was perfectly fine that he was beautiful just the way he was, then I felt tears clutching my waterline as he let his demons win those violent raging battles in his head.

Soon after he left He ran to the adjacent bathroom not closing the door giving me a full view from his vanity as I watched heavy fat tears run down his face before he forced himself to vomit everything he barely ate that day..

The only thing that I remembered him eating that day was a cup of whipped cream, a pack of oreos and an ice coffee. He was barely surviving on nothing but his sheer will refusing to back down despite all the pressure of being one of Mount Rageous's top stars being pushed at him.

Those sickening gags still haunt my nightmares followed by the liquid leaving his throat in harsh splatters as a fog of grief and despair clogged the air as right after he finished, he turned on the shower to sit in it fully clothed as he sobbed at how he could never fill the impossible beauty standards of Mount Rageous.

It was genuinely horrible, especially with how the two people who were supposed to matter the most in his life and actually gave a shit about him just only wanted him for their own exploitive needs.

Velvet for her own bizarre backwards reasons that have been yet unearthed and probably will remain buried beneath the flesh of her vocal cords. She'll probably take her reasoning to the grave.

But I definitely knew what Kid wanted from him and that alone was enough to make my tail puff up in anger as I let my canines dig themselves into my tongue as they burned to bite that fucker as hard as I could. Maybe even inject him with venom, watching as he slowly died off like the rat he was.

They were both enablers of his cruel self loathing behavior with how they always supported his terrible self destructive habits, like the staying awake until four in the morning writing song lyrics barely able to stay awake as he only ran on iced coffee. Or the vigorous exercising until he passed out as he tried to make a conscious effort to keep up with the world of glitz and glamor.

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