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It was dark. The moon was looming over the Zenin household, lighting up the yard. The only thing you could hear were the screams of pain coming from one of the rooms. It was caused by a woman whose name was Taiyō Beifong.

She was currently giving birth, and her servants were encouraging her to keep going while the clan doctor was holding his hand out to catch the baby.

The father was nowhere in sight. Of course, nobody expected him to show up. He hooked up with one of his servants (Taiyō) and left, not even knowing he had gotten her pregnant. Who was the father, you may ask? Jinichi Zenin.

Her screams kept coming while the doctor ensured the baby was coming. During her final big push, the baby came out.

It was a girl who had black hair, was a bit pale, didn't scream, and stayed silent, almost sleeping. 

The woman sighed in relief. Finally, it was over. She held her child, her vision slipping away from her and her breathing slowing down. The final thing she saw was the daughter that she birthed with eyes the color of whiteness. 'I'm sorry,' her mother said, knowing her daughter was going to suffer. Her final words were "name."

On that day, another outcast of the Zenin clan was born, her name being (name) Zenin, and everyone in the sorcery world knew she was doomed from the day she was born, knowing she would never make it out alive, but oh, they were so very wrong.

On that day, another outcast of the Zenin clan was born, her name being (name) Zenin, and everyone in the sorcery world knew she was doomed from the day she was born, knowing she would never make it out alive, but oh, they were so very wrong

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It was spring, and the sun was giving light to the world yet making people suffer from hotness. In the backyard, there was a girl, she was 5 years old, to be exact. Her feet dangled off the deck, enjoying the hotness.

Yet there was something special about this girl she could not see, or, to be more specific, she was blind. She was an outcast to her family, a disgrace to be treated poorly, and a stepping stool.

Even though she developed her technique earlier than other people, and even if it had potential, nobody cared because to the clan, she was a woman and a blind one at that, who was completely useless. 

The girl knew this, of course. Every time she was beaten and abused, she was reminded of that, and if she tried to fight back, she was abused even more, so she decided to stay in the corner. Everyone was too focused on Naoya Zenin anyways. 'What a asshole' was her thought when she meant him, even if he was just three years old.

She lay down on the deck before hearing foot steps coming her way. 'Who could that be?was her first thought. Nobody came to this part of the Zenin household; it was almost abandoned.

 Nobody came to this part of the Zenin household; it was almost abandoned

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