Ch 4 (updated)

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Harley moaned as she opened her eyes, seeing a pristine white ceiling above her. She shook her head and slowly sat up, realizing she was laying on a cot. She held her face and gasped as pain suddenly coursed through her body, more specifically her face. She rubbed her face and winced upon touching her cheek, Batman hit her rather hard. She opened her eyes again and looked around, spotting her brothers in arms in a similar condition, though still unconscious. Boomerang's nose was bandaged up and Deadshot had a small cast around his wrist. King Shark didn't look badly injured as he laid on several crates instead of a cot. The side of Shark's face was a darker shade of blue. The more comfier cots were filled with severally injured Soldiers, groaning as doctors attended their wounds. Some of the soldiers screamed in fear as they woke up, terrified beyond belief.

'Where are we?' Harley thought to herself as her teammates began waking up, groaning from their injuries. King Shark grabbed a huge bag of ice the size of Harley's head and pressed it against his injury. Harley smiled as she leaned back against her cot and turned to the others. "Wakey wakey sleeping douchebags~"

"AH!!!" Boomerang screamed when he woke up, quickly sitting up as he reached for the closest thing, a bottle of water, and held it like a weapon as panic spread across his face. Boomerang was breathing heavily before looking around at the others, who were dealing with their own injuries. Boomerang lowered the lethal weapon and let out a choked sigh. "Please you guys........please just tell me it was just a dream."

"It was no dream." King Shark hummed as he continued applying the bag of ice to his injury. He rubbed his nose as blood ran down his nose slowly, his gills flexing slowly before he let out a disappointed sigh. "We were all defeated by the dead hero in combat. Suffice to say......" Shark winced as his injury burned from the ice. He looked over at Deadshot, who held his arm in discomfort. ".....he wiped the floor with us."

"DAMN!" Deadshot groaned as he held his arm in pain as he tried lifting it into the air, only for it to fall down on the bed. Most he could do with his right hand was flex his fingers. Deadshot laid back down on the cot with a sigh. "He just.......he dislocated my damn arm before I could see him! Fucking hell!"

".........First time?" Harley smirked at the new Deadshot and King Shark. Yep, the last suicide squad didn't stand a chance either when faced with Batman, and the old squad had more members on it. The others were to busy licking their wounds to even bother with the Clown. Harley looked towards the doctors, who were busy consulting the soldiers to even bother with them. A safe heaven from an alien invasion sounded to good to be true, so she hesitantly stood up on her feet, one slipper remaining as her Batman themed sock was exposed. She rubbed her breasts before nodding to herself, turning to the others. "I'm gonna go find room service, see if I can't get us some chocolate bars."

The others either didn't hear her or didn't care, but they all groaned as they slowly got up. She walked forward, going past several injured soldiers on Cots and doctors. The doctors didn't even bother with her, passing by her as they continued towards where they were needed. As she walked past them she noticed more injuries on the soldiers, legs bent backwards, arms broken with one wrapped around their neck, one was even in a full body cast. Injuries that would've damn near killed them had they been attacked by anyone else. Harley gave a smile and a thumbs up as she passed by a soldier going through emergency surgery, the man screaming in the process. Harley looked forward and saw a plastic veil before her, doctors walking in and out through it. Harley then looked around and noticed no one was stopping her as she closed in and walked through the veil.

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