chapter one

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An eight year old Allison (Allie) Bazor was entering her house with her nanny, giggles and screams escaping her lips. She was excited to show her parents her trophy she received after placing first in her cheer competition.

She ran into the kitchen hoping to see her mom in there but to her disappointment, no one was there.

"Where's mom and dad?" She asked her nanny with a pout. Her nanny sighed and walked over to her.

"I'm sorry sweetie, maybe they're working late. Come on, let's go get your bath started." The older woman replied with a frown.

That wasn't the first time Allie was disappointed by her parents. It didn't matter what she did, her parents were never going to be there to see all of her accomplishments.

At 16 years old, she was co-captain of the Tree Hill Ravens along with one of her best friends, Brooke Davis.

She accomplished it all on her own with no support from her parents, all she had was her nanny, Ada. She became Allie's mother and father and for that Allie will always be grateful.

Allie walks into the kitchen and sees breakfast ready for her. She sits down at the table and sees a note to the left of the plate with her name on it.

Allie, we left some money in the drawer, we'll be in Hong Kong for three months so that should be enough to get you by. We love you.

Love, Mom & Dad.

The girl sighs and places the note down and starts eating her breakfast. She grabs her phone and dials Brooke's number.

"Hey Allie, what's up?" She hears Brooke say over the phone.

"Just wanted to see if you wanted a ride to school." She replied and shoved a spoonful of eggs into her mouth.

Brooke sighs, "You parents left again?"

Allie swallows the food she was chewing and answers, "Yeah, they're gonna be gone for about three months."

Brooke hums and agrees saying she'll be ready in 15 minutes. The girl smiles and hangs up the phone. After breakfast, she put her dishes in the sink and walked back upstairs to get ready.

Looking for an outfit, she grabs her blue low rise jeans and a black cropped halter top. She walks over to her vanity and applies makeup before brushing her hair.

After getting ready she looks in her body mirror once more. Playing with the belly button piercing, she smiles to herself and grabs her keys.

Locking the front door, she walks over to the driver's seat of her white 2002 Lexus SC 430 and places her bag in the back seat before driving to Brooke's.

She honks her horn when she reaches Brooke's house to let her know she arrived. Brooke walks out with a squeal and over to the passenger seat.

"Hey A. Bazor, nice outfit." Brooke says and gets in the car.

She smiles at her friend mumbling "Thanks." and pulls out of Brooke's driveway.


Arriving at school she pulls up next to Peyton's car, where Peyton and Nathan were making out. She lets out a groan and Brooke laughs.

"You really don't like him huh?" Brooke asks when she parks the car.

Allie pretends to think before saying "No, I don't. He treats her like crap."

The two girls laugh and Allie honks her horn, scaring the couple and making them pull away. "Get a room will ya?" She yells at them and gets out of her car.

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