chapter eight

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Allie woke up when she felt someone stroking her hair. She opened her eyes and saw Ada sitting on the chair next to her bed. "Allie, what's wrong?" She asks, still stroking her hair. Her lips quivered and she felt her eyes watering again.

She quickly hugs Ada and sniffles. "My baby, what happened? Who did this to you?" Ada says, eyes watering as well. "Ada, it hurts." She says to her nanny who quickly shushes her. "It's okay, you're gonna be okay."

She told Ada everything, her new job, her friends, and what happened with Nathan. After crying her heart out all morning with Ada, she urged Allie to shower and get out with some friends to help her keep her mind off things.

Allie was in the CD shop with Lucas and Haley when Nathan found her. "You gonna be okay?" Lucas asks her while Haley rubs her shoulder. "Yeah, I can handle it." She says, and Lucas and Haley walk to the other side of the store.

"I called your house, Ada said you were here." Nathan starts off. "Well, guess I should lie to her from now on." Allie responds, not looking at him.

"Look, I didn't say what Brooke said, okay? She was trying to hook me and Peyton back up so she could get with Lucas. But, I said that I wasn't interested. You can ask Peyton yourself." He says and grabs her arm to keep her from walking away.

"I wouldn't lie to you, Allie." She looks at him and nods. "Okay." She says and looks away. "Great, so... we're cool?" Nathan asks her, hopefully. She rolls her eyes, "No, we're not." Nathan scoffs, "Well, you believe me right?"

"Yeah, I believe that you're sorry." She clarifies for him. "What?" He asks while looking in her eyes. "Look, this whole hanging out and tutoring stuff was fun, but I'm done, just done." She says and walks towards Lucas and Haley.


Allie started her very first shift at Karen's Cafe that day. "Hi, Allie." Karen says and hugs her. "Hi, Karen." "So, since this is your first day, I thought Haley would be able to show you the ropes." Haley appears from behind her and smiles, "Ta-da!" She says and laughs.

"That sounds perfect." Allie says and follows after Haley. After she got the hang of it, Haley went on her break.

She grabs some rags and starts wiping down the tables. Just then, Brooke walks through the door and Allie lets out a sigh.

"Brooke, I really don't want to speak to you right now." "I'm sorry, Allie. I really am, I didn't mean to do that." Brooke pleads and Allie looks at her for a second before going back to wipe the table.

"Just leave, Brooke. You did enough damage for a night don't you think?" Allie turns around and starts walking towards the back doors that lead to the kitchen.

"You're blaming Nathan for something I did, and that's not fair!" Brooke yells out to her. Allie turns around and looks at her.

"Okay, I was drunk and I was pissed about Lucas and Peyton, and I saw you and Nathan together, and you know the rest." Brooke continues, walking closer to her when Allie stays quiet.

"I want to make it up to you." Brooke says and Allie turns to another table to wipe it. "Make it up to me by going away?" Allie asks and Brooke awkwardly laughs while shaking her head.

"By hooking you and Nathan up tonight. What's your idea of a perfect date?" Allie sighs and pretends to think for a moment. "Hmm, watching you get hit by a bus, Brooke."

Brooke laughs awkwardly again, "He'll be here at 7, have fun." Brooke says and walks out of the cafe. Allie sits down and sighs. "Great." She mumbles to herself and gets up to start working again.


"Okay, everything is done Karen, catch." Allie says and hugs Karen. "I'm gonna head-" She stops when she sees Nathan waiting outside the cafe door. "Out." She finishes and sighs.

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