chapter sixteen

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Allie woke up the next morning and looked over at Brooke. She sighs and gets up to brush her teeth and get ready for school.

In the middle of brushing her teeth, Brooke walked up to her in the bathroom. "You okay?" She asks her.

Brooke shakes her head no. "But, I'll be alright." Brooke says and grabs her toothbrush. "I'll be there for you." She says to the brunette who gratefully smiles at her.


Allie and Brooke were walking through campus when Peyton approached them, "Brooke." She says to the brunette. Brooke and Allie ignore her and continue walking away.

They both walk through the parking lot when a black car pulls up and starts honking at them. Confused, the two girls stop and look at the car. The car comes to a stop and Nathan walks out of the driver's seat.

"Nice ride, Nate." Brooke says and looks at her friend. "I'll catch up with you later." She says and hugs Allie. "Okay, I love you B. Davis." "I love you too, A. Bazor." She says and walks off.

"What's this?" Allie asks as she checks out the car. Nathan sighs and walks over to her. "Dad gave it to me, it's his way of showing me who's in control." Allie's lips curve downwards. "Ew, give it back."

Nathan sits on the bumper of the car and pulls Allie closer to him by her waist. "No, if I'm gonna live like this I'm gonna take everything I can get." Allie laughs and wraps her arms around his neck.

"I missed you." He says, bringing his forehead to hers. "I missed you too." She replies and kisses his cheek. "So, what did you do last night?" Allie asks him, pulling away to look at her boyfriend.

Nathan smirks at her before replying. "I finished reading The Little Prince." Allie's eyes widened. "We had a deal, remember?" Nathan whispers in her ear before bringing his lips to her neck.

She gasps and slightly pulls away, "I do. But, not right here. Whenever we're both free alright?" She asks him and smiles. "Okay." He says and pulls her in again to kiss her lips.


Brooke and Allie were walking towards the gym when Lucas stepped out of the weight room. Trying to ignore him, they both walked past him until he spoke. "Brooke, I'm sorry." He yells out.

Brooke turns back quickly. "Yeah, sorry you got caught." "No, we didn't mean to hurt you." He defends and Brooke scoffs. "You did not just say that to me."

"We didn't plan any of this, it just happened." Lucas says, trying to defend himself and Peyton. Brooke narrows her eyes at him before speaking. "Go to hell."

The two girls turn back around and walk to the gym. "I'm proud of you B. Davis." Allie says towards the brunette. Brooke smiles, "Thanks A. Bazor." They entered the gym and saw Peyton standing on the other side of the cheerleaders. Brooke scoffs and looks away, dragging Allie with her.


When practice was over, Allie walked towards Brooke, "Hey, I'm heading out with Nate, so I'll see you tomorrow." Brooke hugs the girl and sighs.

"Thanks Allie, I would've gone crazy if I didn't have you right now." Allie pulls away, "I'm always here, bye B." Allie grabbed her bag and walked out towards the boys locker room.

Allie waited outside of the locker room for Nathan. She chipped at the white polish on her nails while waiting when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. "Hey gorgeous."

She turns and looks at Nathan, grabbing his hands. "Well, hello handsome. Are you all ready?" He nods his head and kisses her before pulling away. The both of them walked out of the gym and to his brand new car.

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