Episode 48

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 48

The classroom heated up with the bold challenge from the new transfer student. Dance club president Hodin stepped forward, excited.

"Did you just call me out!"

"So you're the best dancer?"

Yuyeon scanned Hodin from head to toe with a face full of ease, evaluating his opponent's skills. Hodin, not wanting to be outdone, glared back with determination.

"How is it? Think you can win?"

Youngsam asked, observing the tension between them. Hodin's eyes, perhaps too eager, turned bloodshot for a moment. He stepped back, suggesting they first witness the skills at hand.

"Drop the beat!"

[The First Revelation of Yuyeon's Dance]

[A Relaxed Smile]

[A Calm Intro Plays....]

As the music started, Yuyeon transformed.

"Wow! Look at his eyes change."

Sujae was genuinely amazed. The dance moves were graceful yet fluid, with animated fingertips. Yuyeon leaped lightly and spun around, playing with the rhythm as he delivered a powerful choreography. His pink hair spread like an afterimage with every movement, intensifying as the music crescendoed.

[The Friends in Awe]

Yuyeon elegantly rolled on the floor, then rose without using his hands, solely through the strength of his ankles.


Hodin grimaced, pressing his temples with both hands.

[Hodin's Cry of Despair]

[A Relentless Onslaught of Moves]

[Ending with a Dimple]

Yuyeon, having devoured the camera with his gaze, suddenly relaxed his eyes and flashed a broad smile. The fact that he had dimples too seemed almost unfair.

[An Outpour of Applause]

Hodin, still caught in the moment, exaggeratedly mimicked Yuyeon's moves. The same dance, a different vibe. Sujae, quietly observing Hodin, stood up and approached Yuyeon, offering his hand.

"Congratulations. You've just become the new president of the dance club."

"Ah, I'm the president?"

Yuyeon, catching his breath and straightening his clothes, cheekily replied.

"Isn't there an inauguration ceremony or something like that?"

"Nope, we don't do that here."

Sujae joked that by next week, another talented dancer might show up and take over as president, prompting laughter from DASE.

Next up was Jihan.

"What have you prepared, Jihan?"

"I'll perform a music piece."

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