Episode 52

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 52

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While Sparrow was devouring popular posts about DASE's variety show appearances, Boksoong was taking a different approach. After successfully watching the broadcast live, she quickly turned to social media.

"Fan signing event!"

As she scrolled through her timeline, swamped with reviews from the fan signing event, Boksoong began reading from the top-down.

[Me: Yulmu-ya, I've come up with an acrostic poem for the word "nuna", can you give me the syllable for each line?

Yulmu: Sure~ Nu!

Me: "Who's the prettiest in the world?"

Yulmu: (Chuckles) Me?

Not his first fan signing. Definitely not.]

//TN: "Who" in Korean starts with the syllable "nu" as in "nugu" and "me" in Korean is "na".

[Baekya has been biting hearts on all sorts of broadcasts, I thought he was born to be an idol, but at the fan signing, he was trembling like a little hamsterㅠㅠ]

[Me: Do you know the sound Korean chicks make?

Chung: Yes! Peep-peep!]

[I had prepared a pun about his fatal charm.

Me: Oppa, are you suffering from dementia? Because de-

(Missed timing)

Jihan: (Panicked) How did you know?]

[During the singing session, Chung took too long, so there was a moment when Yuyeon and Baekya's table was empty. It was like a traffic jamㅋㅋㅋ Then, Yuyeon placed a peach doll on Baekya's head, and the baby just stayed stillㅠㅠ Their chemistry was amazing.]

[Me: I feel a wall around you, Baekya.

Baekya: A wall? I've often been told I look pretty appr-...

Me: Pretty perfect!

Baekya: Ahhh, don't do thatㅠㅠ]

[Me: Every time I see you, I want to stick my finger in your dimples.

Yulmu: Want to try? (Offers his face)]

[I told Minsung that it's impossible to close your left eye and poke your right cheek at the same time and he tried it immediately. He caught on and laughed when the fans began screaming.]

[Me: Why do you wear the same shirt every day?

Baekya: (Embarrassed) Sorry. I don't have many clothes at the dorm...

Jihan: (Signing next to him) Han Baekya, wear mine.

I don't think trying puns with these two is a good idea ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Insane comboㅋㅋㅋ]

[Me: Oppa, I came here with my boyfriend today!

Yulmu: Oh~ Really? Where is he?

Me: (Shows a mirror)

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