⌞ six : thoughts ⌝

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"I can do this, I can do this- Find the silence."


"Alright, quick. We have to get to the airport." 

I rolled my eyes, throwing my bag onto the couch. "You say that like you're kidnapping me." 

"I could be." 

I paused at the edge of the stairs, looking back at him. My shock must have been evident on my face because Jules burst out laughing, putting his hands on his knees. I just stood there, watching him. 

"No, Lu. I'm not kidnapping you. But we have a lot to do and I don't know how long your dad is going to be in a good mood." He stood back up, clearing his throat. "So go pack. Just the necessities. We can buy you clothes when we get there." 

"Or I can just pack some," I yelled back down at him as I took the stairs two at a time. 

My room was in the corner with Arty and Charlie next to each other, across from me. Most of the time, those two would be in my room. Arty liked to do his homework in there so I could help with whatever he didn't understand and the nights he couldn't sleep, he would crawl into the bed. Most of the time, he would wake me up but sometimes, he would think he was slick enough to get in without me noticing. I always noticed. 

Whereas Charlie would just barge in. It was alright with me, I did the same to him. Twin things. Most of the time it was when something Father did angered us or we just needed to be with each other. We would usually just sit in silence, if we needed to talk, we would sign. No one can hold anything against you if they have no clue what you're saying. 

And my room was welcoming enough. There was a lot of natural light with the bed pushed in the corner to make it seem larger than it was. Lots of blankets, pillows, stuffed animals. Just everything to make sure that the boys could be comfortable in my room. Plus, there was a corner near my bookshelf that had the same vibe. All of it was made to feel comfortable since I spent most of my time here. 

A knock on my door caused me to turn, confused about who would be knocking. The door was open and anyone could walk in. Jules would have just walked in, speaking so I knew he was there. But it wasn't Jules. 

"Lore.. salut." 

"Hey, Luli." 

"What are you doing home?" 

He shrugged, walking into the room and sitting down at my desk chair. "I always come home about this time." 

"Wait.. so you've been home?" 


I scoffed. "But you just didn't say anything to me. Or anyone, for that matter." 

He shrugged again. "I needed some time to myself. Same as you." 

"I don't just disappear." 

"Non, but you run away to Monte Carlo." 

I opened my mouth and closed it, crossing my arms over my chest. "That's different. Jules invited me to come with him. And you all will be in Monte Carlo when the GP comes around." 

⌞ always the angel, never a god ⌝Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz