⌞ twenty-eight : rain... ⌝

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" Life doesn't end because you make a mistake. "


My time in Monte Carlo gave me the strength to get through the next few months. I had kept up with the races, watching from the TV. It was easy to do, Charlie was wanting to watch them and anything that Charlie did was allowed. So I was able to watch Lewis and Nico win. I was able to watch Jules race and climb up the grid with each race. It was easy to remember that with each weekend, I was getting closer and closer to being able to see them all again. 

I had also thought about what Lewis and Nico had told me about Mako. I didn't want to break up with him, I liked him. But I also didn't want to make them upset with me. I could see where they were coming from but it didn't feel like that's the way it was with us. He was respectful, he didn't force anything on me, there was nothing that stood out to me as an issue. 

But I had to put those thoughts to the side because the bell rang. I got up as quick as I could, packing my stuff. Mother was supposed to be waiting for me outside to take me to the airport. I needed to get there. I had already missed practice and as I was on the flight, qualifying was going to be happening. 

Because school was back in session, I wasn't allowed to skip the whole week to go to Japan. Father said I was allowed to go, only if I left after school. Which meant I had packed my bags days ago and I was going to have to sit on that long flight in my school uniform. But it didn't matter because from what Lewis was saying, pretty much the entire grid was going to be there to pick me up and we would be going straight to dinner. 

I didn't mind. I just wanted to get there. The world was always correct when I was with the people I saw as family.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are starting our descent into Tokyo."

I tuned out the rest of it as I sat back in my chair. I had taken the time to change into something that wasn't my school uniform. It was just a pair of jeans I had bought when in London and a jumper that Lewis bought me. It was a soft green and he said it made my eyes stand out; jade instead of just the muddy green they were. 

I double-checked that I had everything. I was trying so hard not to shake with excitement. This was going to be amazing. Dinner with the grid, and then the race the next morning. Life was back in swing again. I put my coat on over the jumper, realizing that it was raining in the city. I didn't feel like getting wet. 

Next was my headphones. I hit play on the playlist that Lewis had been building for me. He said that he was adding songs that reminded me of home. Little did he know that home was people and those people would be waiting for me outside the gate. 

Five minutes to go. 




And I was out. 

I tried not to run as I walked out of security. As I rounded the corner, I could see them. A smile broke across my face. Lewis, Nico, Jules, Daniel, Sebastian, Kimi, Jenson. I grinned when they saw me too, taking off in a run. I just had a bag with me, only going to be here for a few days. I hugged Jules and Dani first. The two of them hugged me at the same time. 

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