⌞ nineteen : invitations ⌝

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"I'm going to run him off the track if he doesn't fucking move!"


Life went back to normal pretty quickly. School was as boring as usual and training seemed to last longer and longer each day. But it was still the same old cycle. And I had guessed right, I was grounded for ages. I still was, almost two months later. 

I closed my locker, turning to see Carmen. "Salut." 


"No dramatics?" 

"Nope, not today." 

I raised my eyebrows at her, confused about what had caused her to be so down. I took her hand and pulled her into the nearest bathroom, locking the door behind us. I sat her down on the window sill, still standing with my hands on my hips. 

"Alright, speak." 

She sighed. "I don't know, Lu-" 

"Oh my god, just tell me. We've never not talked to each other before." 

She looked up, seeming to weigh her options. I tilted my head and moved to sit next to her, realizing there was more to this than a little issue. I rested my head on her shoulder, waiting for her to find her words. And after a bit, she did. 

"I like someone and I know they like me back." 

"Right." I sat up, turning so I could rest my back on the wall. 

"But I don't think I should like this person." 

"Who is it?" 

"Your brother..." 

I paused. My first thought was Lore but that wouldn't make any sense because those two had only spoken twice. And then it clicked... Charlie. Carmen liked Charlie and Charlie liked her back. 


"Lu, if you don't want me to-" 

"Non, non. It's fine. If you like each other, go for it." 

Carmen froze, tilting her head. "Oh? Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, I mean. If you really see something in him, go for it." 

Carmen leaned forward and hugged me. I let out a breath as I hugged her back. She pulled back after a bit with a big smile and I could see that light back in her eyes. I smiled at her back, adjusting my cardigan. 

"Thank you, Lu. Seriously." 

"It's only fair. I have my own boy to worry about." 

Carmen gasped, and I realized the slip I made. "You have to tell me!" 

"At study hall." 

"That's hours away! Can't we just skip this class? I need to know!" 

I snorted. "Non, we can't. Now, come on. We're going to be late." 

"Fine, but you better tell me at study hall." 

I chuckled as I slid off the window sill, linking my arms with her as we walked out of the bathroom and to our classroom. She was back to talking about random things, drawing attention to us. I didn't mind this time, happy to have the brightness of my best friend back. Even if I was weighing how weird it was that my best friend was dating my twin brother. 


I looked up as Charlie came to sit with me on the curb as we waited for Father. He smiled as he nudged my shoulder and I gave one back. 


"She told you." 

"She did." 

He nodded, silence fell for a second before he spoke again. "You're cool with it?" 

"Yup. You're cool with me and Mako?" 

"I guess." 


We both nodded and it was silent for a second. I watched him as he zoned out, looking out toward the street and I wondered when he had found the time to get with Carmen. I could understand that they were texting, and maybe talking on the days that I wasn't here. But it was still a surprise. I had never expected Charlie to like Carmen, he had always said she was too high-maintenance. And Carmen thought Charlie was too much. 

Maybe I had missed certain things. Maybe there were words I missed or looks. But it was still a surprise. I would have never bet money on those two being a thing. But then again, I never thought Jules was right about Mako and I. 

"If you're dating Mako, how is that working?" 

I looked up at Charlie. "Mostly just texting." 

"You like him?" 

"A lot, oui." 

"And he treats you well?" 

I snorted. "Are you trying to play big brother?" 

"I just want to make sure you're good, Lu." 

"Lore already did this. But oui, he's a good boyfriend." 

Charlie nodded. "As long as you're happy." 

"You too." 

We couldn't say anything else because Father had pulled up. Charlie got up first, holding his hand out to help me up. I took it and let him pull me to my feet. He opened the door for us and climbed in first. I followed after and took my seat. 

"Lila, you have a letter." 

Father reached back and handed me the envelope. I took it, a bit confused as to who it was from and the fact that it wasn't opened. Father tended to open anything that came into the house, stating that it was his house and he had a right. But this was unopened and I could see why. It was from Lewis. 

I turned it over and pulled the top off. I saw the paddock pass first and my heart stopped for a second. But I didn't dare touch it as I pulled out the letter. 


I know you're freaking out right now but take a breath. But before you start to panic, Jules already talked to your father. You're allowed to come if you decide to. So, this is my formal invitation. Come to Silverstone. Come watch us race. Mercedes, Redbull, or Ferrari. See you soon, kid. 


I looked up from the letter, a smile on my face. Charlie looked confused and tried to read the letter over my shoulder. I was too happy to care about him snooping. Father made eye contact with me in the mirror and I couldn't tell if he was angry. It seemed like he was relieved. Maybe he thought it was a way to get rid of me for a bit more time. 

And I didn't care. Because I was going to England. To Silverstone, one of the most infamous races. And I was going to be there with people that cared.  With the people that wanted me around. That was the best. And I was leaving tomorrow.


a/n: it's shorter and i kinda jumped a bit, but trust. trust. anyways, love it or don't :p

⌞ always the angel, never a god ⌝Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu