Chapter 1

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"okay almost it!" Cheered a male earth pony with a blue shirt, a white lab coat, golden fur, blue eyes and pure white Mane and tail and one gold earring with a tiny pink gem on it. Laying on a table was a robot pony with a pink crystal horn on her head, pink Mane, pink hearts on her white shoulders, a long black tail with a big gun at the end of it, and she also had bright pink bows on her head and tail. The robot slowly opened her eyes and saw the professor looking at her surprised "it works? It works! Okay, okay, before I get too excited...scan me" Asked the professor happily with a little excitement in his voice "uh okay..." said the robot pony using her pink eyes to scan the professor "my scanner tells me your...happy?" "I am! I really am!" The professor put his hoof under her chin and smiled showing his kind eyes "you gonna help so many people...kipo" "Kipo?" Said the robot pony "Yes, Kipo, that is your name" said the professor "and am professor golden heart but you could just call me golden heart or maybe father...if that's okay with you" said Golden heart shyly, kipo smile "sure father".

For the past 6 years Golden heart has been training kipo in his underground lab/ house, shooting at targets, climbing on walls with her magnet hooves, practicing her acrobatics skills, and ect. Kipo was in her room laying in bed holding a book with her magic, her pink crystal horn glowing and sparkling beautifully as she was reading, her bedroom was pink with a beautiful princess bed, book shelves for her manga, inspirations posters her father had made for her and pretty fairy lights all around the top of her bedroom walls "hey Kipo" said Golden heart happily from Kipo doorway "hey Dad" said Kipo a little distracted by her book, her father gave a small chuckled "you really like that book do you?" Laughed Golden heart walking up and setting next to Kipo on her bed "yes, the Starlight Fighters is a great manga  am already on  book 12" said Kipo smiling "well I know how much you love your anime" smiled Golden heart gently petting her mane and the side of her head pulling her closer "thanks for always getting these books for me" said Kipo "no problem my little hero" said Golden heart. Kipo stopped and suddenly put her book down and had a sad look on her face "something wrong kiddo?" asked Golden heart "it just...I know you call me your hero...but..." "but what?" "Well am just...scared, I know you created me to help heal equestria..but am scared am gonna mess up and ruin everything or make things worst for everyone...what if I can't..." pink glowing tears started to form in Kipo's robotic eyes, golden heart lifted her head and smiled "Kipo I don't blame you for being scared..." said Golden heart "you don't?" Said Kipo in surprised

"Of course not!" Said Golden heart hugging her "and Kipo it's okay to be scared" "but doesn't that make me a coward?" Said Kipo, golden heart let go of her but still was holding her "no not at all, and believed or not, there are good ponies out there that help others ponies as well and guessed what? They get scared to, terrified even. But even though they get scared, they pushed and keep going, that what makes them heroes" Golden heart pulled her into a another hug and Kipo felt safe and warm and smiled but then went back to a small frown. Golden heart looked down at his daughter resting on his chest with her ears down "you know...if you don't want to, I won't make you" said her father "really? Are you sure?" Said Kipo, Golden heart got down from the bed and started to walk alway " don't worry my daughter, I promise am not mad or anything I will never make you do anything you don't want to do, good night Kipo I love you" said Golden heart looking back at her, not looking disappointed or angry but calm and understanding.

Golden heart was about to leave when "wait!" Her father quickly turned around "I-I still want to h-help! I want to make equestria a better place for all ponies and other creatures as well, I want to help equestria" said Kipo setting up on her bed "are you sure? Kipo if you don't want t-" "I do father! I really do" said Kipo calmly well sounded a little braver at the same time "okay if that's what you want, but please tell me if you changed your mind okay?" Said her father "okay, but I won't" said Kipo totally laying in her head, she was scared but she knew she had to face her fears one day, she looked at a poster on her wall, it was a female pony in knight armor in a thunder storm "Face the Fear...and do it anyways".

Kipo continued her training and has been getting better and better, her father always gave her brakes if she got stressed or worried and they sometimes played bored games to also help kipo calm down when they were not training Kipo would just run around the lab laughing and giggling joyfully, the lab has always been do peaceful no raiders or slavers or anything bad or scary it was just peaceful and kipo really liked that, the peace, quiet and having fun with her father. Kipo's father has always been so wise, kindhearted and brave, he even told Kipo stories how he saved families and other ponies, and even fillies and colts from the dangers in the equestrian wasteland using his inner strength, heart, and his tect skills. "Dad?" "Yes Kipo?" "are there many heroes in the wasteland?" Asked Kipo while she and father were playing checkers "sigh...sadly not many, very few these days...many ponies have lost hope or even gave up to become just as bad as the monsters that used to be ponies..." said Golden heart becoming saddened and her ears droop down in sadness "daddy?" Asked Kipo reaching a metal hoof to her father's shoulder, smiling well trying to comfort him, Golden heart put his hoof on hers and smiling "you really are my hero" said Golden heart "Dad!" Laughed Kipo.

Suddenly the labs security system come on "warning! Warning! Dangerous hostilities have entered the lab!" Kipo and Golden heart shot out of their chairs chasing them to fall to the ground "warning! Warning!-" "uh Dad?" Said Kipo with worry in her voice "it's okay Kipo am gonna go check you get yourself to safely" said Golden heart, his earing pink jewel suddenly glowed brightly and one of the drawers in the training room opened and Golden heart lifted a big high tech Lazer gun out and floated it next to him, golden heart started running down the hallway "Dad wait!" Said Kipo as she chased after her father "Dad let me help" said kipo now running next to him "Kipo I-" "Dad am ready! I gotten stronger, faster and alot more confident and am also indestructible, please let me help" said Kipo "alright let's see what you got!" Said her father cheerfully as the headed for the entrance, golden heart was the first to get there and was shocked to see a big group of raider ponies and a melted front door "alright let's kick some tai-oh boy..." said Kipo surprised to see so many raiders along with their front door melted and covered in green goop, some of the raiders was shocked and stared at Kipo with curiosity the other raiders seemed to be more excited to fight this strange robot pony.

"Did they melt the door..." said Kipo surprised "get them!" Shouted one of the raiders, the raiders began to fire their weapons at them but Golden heart made a pink crystal shield around him and the bullets just bounce of Kipo which shocked the raiders. Kipo charged at them using powerful fighting moves, magic from her crystal horn and firing paralyzing Lazer blast from her tail gun at them making them unable to move, Kipo didn't plan on killing them, she really didn't want to do that, her

Father took on the other half of the raiders and with his Lazer gun and crystal magic only paralyzing them and knocking them out "nice one Dad!" Said Kipo happily running up to him "so what do we do know? We are not gonna...." "Don't worry Kipo we won't am just gonna use my magic to erase their memories them send them far away so they won't bother us or anypony for that matter" said Golden heart, Kipo took a small breath of relief "then you and I will use both of our magic to rebuild the door and-" Golden heart paused looking worried and fearful "Dad are you okay?" Asked kipo getting worried herself "there is more coming...lots more" said her father nervously "Kipo quick follow me!" Said Golden heart as Kipo followed him back down the hallway and into her father's lab "uh Dad why are we here?" Golden heart pushed a secret button on the roof with a broom her had laying there and it opened a secret room with a big cylinder chamber inside, her father opened the chamber with small computer next to it.

"Okay Kipo quickly get inside" "uh okay" kipo quickly got inside the chamber but was surprised the the door closed behind her and turned to look at her Dad "Dad, what are you?" Golden heart went to the front of the chamber and put a hoof on the grass, Kipo did the same "Kipo I need to keep you safe...I won't let them hurt you" "but Dad..." "it's not time for you to help equestria...not yet,  when you wake up then it will be time for you to help" tears started to form in Kipo's eyes "Daddy..." Golden heart give Kipo a smile but his face was filled with sadness "I love you, and remember...friendship is magic" her father quickly grab his gun and use his magic to activate the chamber, he run outside as the door closes in front of kipo "Dad! Daddy! D-Dad..." said Kipo as she was getting very sleepy and more and more intel she fell into a deep sleep...

Fallout equestria: Rise of the MachinesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora