Chapter 2

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Kipo suddenly woke up in her chamber breathing quickly in a panicked but she took a moment to calm herself down and look around the chamber, after a moment the door suddenly opened slowly with a loud hissing sound and Kipo slowly walked out of it. Feeling a little dazed and wobbly Kipo looked around the room, the room was dark with only the light of chamber lighting up the room a little, Kipo's system finally rebooted and she started to felt like herself again "hello? Dad? Anypony there?" Said Kipo calling out wondering if maybe her father was nearby but then she realized it probably wasn't a good idea to shout "wait, those raiders could still be out there...I better keep long was I out?" Said Kipo walking up to the little computer next to the chamber "'s the date of when I feel asleep and...what!" Kipo was shocked by what she discovered and she couldn't believed it "t-ten years...I been asleep for ten years! Oh goddesses, oh goddesses! Okay, okay Kipo don't panic just stay calm...stay calm and opened the door..." Kipo clicked a button on the keyboard of the computer and the secret door started to open slowly, the door opened half way and got jammed and Kipo had to opened it with her hooves which wasn't that hard to do. Kipo was now back in her father's lab and saw it totally trash, parts of the walls seemed to have scorch and claw markings on them, kipo gasp when she saw a some blood on the ground but no bodies or anything "this seems old...I guess those raiders are gone...I don't sense any hostiles nearby on my radar" everything looked a little old and run down as Kipo walked around her now ruined home it seemed like noting much was stolen except for all the medical supplies, weapons and the food her father had grown in his special high tech garden which was also raided. Kipo headed for her bedroom and saw that her pretty pink princess bedroom was now all trashed and many stuff was taken, it was pretty much empty now.

Kipo sat next to her bed which didn't have her cute Furry pillows anymore or her glittery pink blanket or her princess canopy, it was just her bed mattress all torn and stained with dirt and torn from claws. Kipo became very saddened by all this...her once peaceful home was now all trash...she was still in a little shock that she has been sleeping for ten years "Dad...where are you?" Kipo said to herself sadly...she didn't see anything that showed her father was killed or anything but she still feared the worst "I wonder if father had to take out some raiders? If he did...I wouldn't blame him, after those were not ponies but crazy monsters and I did see blood" Kipo was about to get up when she noticed something poking out from under her bed and pulled it out with her magic "sprinkles!" Said Kipo holding her stuffed alicorn plush in her hooves happily. Sprinkles was a alicorn stuffed animal that her father golden heart had made out of some socks, colorful yarn and googly eyes and gave it to her as a gift "oh Sprinkles am glad you safe" Sprinkles seemed to have gotten a little old and dirty over the years but kipo didn't mind "at least I have you...any chance you know where dad is?" Said Kipo to Sprinkles while holding it with her magic, Sprinkles was just silent as her head slowly flop to the side "I didn't think so" said Kipo getting up and putting the plush toy on her back "what should I do now?" Said Kipo sadly but then she remembered what her father said before her long sleep "it's not your time for you to help equestria...not yet, when you wake up then it will be time for you to help" Kipo took a deep breath and felt her courage rising "alright Dad I guess it's time to for me to fulfill my purpose" Kipo quickly went to her father's room and grabbed his old saddle bag, the saddle bag was made out of a very tough leather and the bags on the sides were leather as well but it was also armor with very strong metal plates. Engraved in the metal armor was her father's cutie mark...a heart with the swirl design and spots on it.

Kipo quickly got all the stuff she needed, a book about darling doo, a box of lock picks, photos of her and her dad, she downloaded a blue print about how she was made into her memory and she got lucky and found one medical box hidden under her father's tool cabinet in his lab. Kipo headed for the front door and was surprised by what she saw...light coming from her melted open door "is that..." Kipo slowly went outside and couldn't believed in what she was was the celestial sun and the blue sky "I-I can't believe I dreaming?" Said Kipo in awe suddenly feeling alot of happiness and hope in her heart even if she didn't physically had an actual heart inside of her. Kipo lifted a small rock in the air and tossed it up in the air letting it fall on her head "ow! Okay not a dream, but how! I thought the Pegasus...covered the sky?" Said Kipo "what do you think sprinkles?" Sprinkles was just as quiet as ever sticking out of the left saddle bag a little "I know,  it's beautiful right?" Kipo pushed sprinkles back into her saddle "okay Kipo focused you on a mission remember...find your father and protect equestria, no pressure right? Already let's go" Kipo started walking alway but she couldn't help but take one last look at her old home "goodbye home..." and started her journey.

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