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The ravenette hadn't had any more problems since the spectacle that happened two months ago, but that didn't mean she wasn't actively stomping down her newborn urges every time she got outside. And despite her subtle cravings for blood that didn't come from a deer or a cougar or even a squirrel, she was determined to never harm a human life again. She was better than that, so simply endured it.

Esme had kept a careful eye on her as she fed on a rather large forest animal, only piping up to encourage her when she initially caught it. Even Esme could admit that the young girl's progress was incredible, as it seemed that a change of scenery was just what she needed.

The pair had began to walk through the dense forestry that Forks had to offer, staying as far from the town but as close to the Cullen home as they could. Sometimes when she got carried away in following the sounds of the wildlife within, limbs moving to their own accord half of the time, Esme would simply direct her back on course with a nudge to the shoulder.

"Have you written to the Denalis this week?" the older woman asked, stepping over small branches and brush that got knocked down as a result from yesterday's storm.

Augustine tugged on her bottom lip, frown manifesting upon her pale face. "I haven't yet," she admitted, "I just— I don't want to keep bothering them, I guess."

If there was anything that the young teen had learnt in her life thus far, it was that being too clingy was the equivalent of being a burden. The Denalis had already done so much for her, and she didn't want to keep disturbing them if they wanted some peace without her there.

"Oh, honey, I don't think that's the case at all," Esme said with a shake of the head. "I know for a fact that they enjoy receiving your letters. Sometimes I think Carmen wishes you would send even more."

Carmen Denali had indeed let Augustine go with the Cullens to practice her control, but that didn't mean she wasn't already missing the girl. In fact, the Spanish woman had sent back a few letters that were solely from her rather than the weekly response letter that they all took part in helping to write. Of course, the others had no idea she was sending bonus letters, otherwise they, too, would've started doing the same.

Although, sometimes Carmen would sign Eleazar's name alongside hers just to include him.

"I'll write something tonight," she conceded, sigh escaping as she knew Esme was right. If she were to stop sending letters, Carmen would surely send the cavalry to check on her — and by cavalry, she meant Kate and her electrical capabilities. "Promise."

Esme squeezed her shoulder, proud smile on her face as they walked along a path that the teen had never ventured on before. It looked as though the forest was divided, a small rocky, river separating the creek side they traversed on and another piece of land.

Augustine gave a soft hum as she halted abruptly in her tracks, Esme following suit with a confused look on her face. "What's wrong, dear?"

But the girl was only focused on the soft rumbling sounds of the Earth that came from the other side, and so she took a hesitant step forward. It was almost like that plot of land had a heartbeat, beating just low enough to be noticeable to her.

The older woman was quick to grab her elbow, pulling her back. "You aren't allowed on that side, August," she told her, trying to get her attention that was locked onto a large spruce tree away from said tree.

Augustine spun to her incredulously, and it seemed as though Esme wasn't hearing what she was — or if she was, she didn't say a word about it. "I'm not?"

"Our family is not," Esme clarified gently, and Augustine had to curb the soft excitement she felt at being included in the family. "We have a treaty in place with the wolves, I'm surprised Carlisle hasn't told you yet."

The girl choked on air, metaphorically of course. "Wolves? As in—"

A deep growling could be heard from the side of the creek that she now had her back turned towards. A chilling feeling creeped up her spine as she dared to take a look; now, Augustine didn't know much about wildlife physiology, but she was damn sure normal wolves weren't supposed to be that massive.

The tall, black wolf radiated an incredible amount of authority that almost would've made her knees buckle if it weren't for the gross smell of wet dog. Her face was pulled into a grimace, hands clasping her nose shut out of instinct. "If you tell me that there's witches out there too..." she mumbled to herself, disbelief dripping in her tone.

"I think they prefer the term 'wolf shifters,'" Esme said, sparing a glance to the wolf who had since stopped growling and merely looked on inquisitively. "And as for witches, I've personally never seen one—"

"Meaning someone else has?" Augustine assumed, eyes shining with delight as Esme put her hands in defence, going to reject that statement. She momentarily forgot about the third party presence watching them as she leaned towards the woman.

"Now, hold on—"

"Nope! I'm never gonna let this go, seriously." Esme only shook her head fondly. "Does that mean I could've gotten a Hogwarts letter when I was eleven?"

Based on the confused look she received from the older vampire, Augustine's mouth dropped open. Before she could critique Esme on not seeing one of the greatest films of all time, the woman in question interrupted her. "Let's finish this conversation at home," she said, gesturing her head back towards the way they came.

Grumbling to herself, Augustine let Esme drag her away and back to the Cullen residence, but not without glancing back at the daunting wolf whose eyes were narrowed at their retreating figures.

Wow, judge–y. "It seems like an asshole," Augustine whispered, arm linking through Esme's with a teasing smile as they walked further. "I'm sure the witches are much friendlier."


"Fine I'll drop it," she groaned, throwing her head back before bumping her body into the woman's, "but the second Carlisle gets back is the second I start rapid firing my questions."

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[ wyn's note ]

second chap, a bit of a lowkey one but i couldn't resist! side note, do y'all think witches are real? LOL

maybe controversial but my favourite witch has to be miss bonnie bennett, cause that girl was really and truly the glue of tvd.

all love!

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя