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Augustine would've felt bad that she had been the one to pressure Bella into calling her father, telling him that the newlyweds were extending their trip due to her being sick, if it wasn't for the way the human girl's condition began to worsen.

The Cullens who were in on the double-edged plan, consisting of Alice, Augustine, and Edward, knew that once word got to Jacob Black that Bella was ill, he would immediately come running to ensure she hadn't been turned yet. And when he saw her, the trio knew he would persuade Bella to do the rational thing:

Get rid of it before it killed her.

Rosalie, however, obviously didn't know of this plan, and it showed; she was practically rigid when Carlisle let the wolf in through the main doors of the home. Augustine was stood against the far wall of the room beside Emmett, the windows letting in what natural light could be salvaged in the overcast weather, and even Edward wasn't bristling at his appearance alongside Carlisle.

Sniffing the air lightly, she caught the lingering smell of evergreen attached to the boy, and she knew that he and Paul must have been in contact prior to his arrival. It made her heart clench, knowing she'd resorted to phone calls with her mate these past two weeks while their family was dealing with Bella's predicament.

The minute Jacob tried approaching the sickly looking human on the couch, Rosalie stepped forward to intercept him. "Close enough."

"What's your problem?" he asked the hostile blonde, oblivious to the internal crisis that each member of the family was going through.

"Rose, it's okay," Bella reassured her, and that was what allowed Jacob to move around Rosalie and take a seat on the edge of the couch.

Augustine's eyes locked with Edward's for a moment, knowing he would hear her thoughts. You better hope this works.

Jacob sighed, trying to sound amusing when he addressed her. "You look terrible," he said, and oh, was it true. Bella's skin was paler than usual, her face sunken in like the life was being sucked out of her... and Augustine had an inkling that it actively was.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you, too," she breathed out, fiddling with the quilt that was laying on top of her.

There was a beat of silence. "So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?"

When Bella asked Rosalie to help her stand, everyone knowing she was unable to do so alone anymore, Augustine practically glued herself to Emmett's side in anticipation at the shifter's reaction.

The quilt dropped away from her once Rosalie helped her stand, and anyone could immediately sense the moment Jacob saw her enlarged stomach. The anger in him came bubbling up as he all but charged at Edward, sputtering out a, "you did this!"

Emmett blocked his advance, grabbing the shifter's shoulder to stop him from lashing out. "We didn't know it was even possible," the telepath explained, watching as Jacob threw Emmett's hand away from his shoulder.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now