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It was against their very nature; they couldn't pass out. So, imagine Augustine's surprise when she lurched upward with a gasp, hand pressing against her chest at the dull throb that was emitting from it. Her eyes blinked, adjusting to the onslaught of brightness after having been closed for... she didn't know how long.

Right, her hand. Looking down, she flexed it once more and sighed. "That shithead was right," she murmured, recalling her conversation with Alec a few hours prior. Glancing to the clock on her nightstand, the time indicated that she'd been out cold for two hours. The thought of missing all that time was the price she had to pay to get her hand back, and boy, was she excited.

Rather than alert the rest of her family, their scents lingering all throughout the home, the first thing she did was plop herself in her desk and pulled forward the recent, unopened letters that Alec had sent her. The others were disregarded at the bottom of her dresser, beneath her extensive graphic t-shirt collection; however, she was eager for any insight, and she sure as hell wasn't about to write the boy back— wasn't about to receive an I told you so letter.

No, she was going to find out how Alec knew she was capable of giving herself a new hand (how she manipulated her own material makeup, really) without alerting him of such. Yeah, a solid plan.

She just had to get through about a dozen letters first, though.

⋆☾ ゚。⋆

"...and that's why Alec was here, and how I have my hand back. Ta-da!"

She waved her reinstated hand in front of her family members' faces, a skeptical smile that could be perceived as a grimace on her pale face as she awaited for their reactions.

Emmett was the first one to really say, or do, anything in response. "The witch twin was here and you thought to tell us now?"

"Feels like you're skipping over the part where I just gave myself my hand back, Em."

Augustine just wrapped up her explanation of the day she'd had thus far, including her trip to the reservation that led her home, exactly where Alec Volturi had been waiting to speak to her. Of course, she opted out of mentioning the part where she had blacked out to the others, but she was just lucky that Edward was at Bella's. He couldn't probe through her mind from that far away, right?

Emmett only grumbled in response. He went to say something before Carlisle interrupted him from his spot leaning against the doorway. "Did he say anything else? Ask any questions related to Bella's transition?" he asked, wanting to cover all their bases. The Volturi rarely ever admitted what they were truly after, and they couldn't be trusted— that much was evident as of late.

Augustine shook her head. "No, he was just pissy I haven't been responding to his letters."

"What letters?" Emmett asked, glancing around the room. Based on everyone's lack of reaction, they'd all figured it out eventually: Alice had seen a vision and then told Jasper, Esme put the pieces together when the boxes of puzzles kept rolling in, hence the reason why Carlisle knew, and Rosalie was Rosalie— she'd known the entire time. However, they all trusted Augustine, trusted that she knew what she was doing... and Emmett would've torn them to shreds before they even made it to the post office. "You guys, what letters?"

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑, paul lahote ✓Where stories live. Discover now