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Jogo grimaced as he used his hand to push his jaw back in place, a grim testament to the brutal exchange with Sukuna. Blood trickled from his lips, but he ignored it, his focus unwavering.

"Just one hit," he muttered through gritted teeth, determination burning in his eye despite the pain coursing through his body.

It seemed as though he was addicted to the adrenaline rush, the tantalizing proximity to finally landing a decisive blow on Sukuna. Each attempt ended in frustration as Sukuna effortlessly deflected his attacks, but Jogo refused to succumb to despair.

"I can do it," he affirmed to himself, his voice a fierce whisper against the backdrop of the raging battle.

With renewed resolve, he readied himself for another assault, determined to overcome the seemingly insurmountable challenge before him.

Unbeknownst to Jogo, Sukuna's insidious grin widened as he toyed with the cursed spirit, relishing in the twisted pleasure of watching Jogo cling to the faint hope of landing a hit. With each futile attempt, Sukuna's amusement grew, savoring the desperation in Jogo's eye like a predator toying with its prey.

To Sukuna, it was more than just a battle; it was a game, a twisted form of entertainment amidst the chaos of combat. The notion of Jogo harboring even a sliver of belief that he could overcome Sukuna's overwhelming power only added to his amusement.

'I want to entertain myself more but soon, it'll get bori-'

Sukuna's train of thought screeched to a halt as Jogo seemingly evaporated from his sight, leaving behind a palpable void. His crimson gaze flickered from the spot where Jogo had stood moments ago to your figure, a sense of curiosity piquing his interest.

"Good riddance." You mumbled.

Your presence was unmistakable, yet there was a subtle shift in the aura surrounding you, the light in your eyes dimmer than usual, as if shrouded by a veil of darkness.

His lips curled into a smirk, a glint of intrigue dancing in his eyes as he assessed the change in your demeanor.

Sukuna couldn't help but feel a twinge of anticipation at the prospect of a new challenge or, in other words, a fresh source of amusement.

With a languid motion, he extended a hand towards you, his smile widening into a predatory grin as he beckoned you forth, eager to unravel the mysteries hidden within your enigmatic presence.

Expecting you to come forth and foolishly attack, Sukuna watched with narrowed eyes as you instead relaxed your stance, sending a playful smile in his direction that was as unnerving as it was intriguing.

"We haven't seen each other since last time when I kicked your ass," you mentioned, a hint of amusement lingering in your eyes as you recalled your previous encounter.

"You speak with a lot of confidence for someone who is soon to meet their death," Sukuna retorted, his voice dripping with arrogance as he raised his chin defiantly, a challenge implicit in his demeanor.

But you threw him off guard with your unexpected approach.

Closing the gap between you in a single fluid motion, you grabbed Sukuna by his face, squishing his cheeks together with a grip that belied your playful facade.

You leaned forward with a feral smile and locked eyes with the king of curses, your gaze daring him to retaliate as you reveled in the thrill of catching him off balance.

"You've already killed me once," you stated casually, knowing full well the weight of your words in the presence of the powerful being.

Despite the blatant disrespect you directed towards him, Sukuna's interest was piqued, his crimson eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded you with curiosity.

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