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TIME - 11:15PM

"Got it. We'll be there soon," you assured Nanami, your confidence subtly woven into your words.

Nanami's call had been expected since you had informed him beforehand that you would deal with Sukuna in case Yuji couldn't keep control.

After updating him on Yuji's safe return and the absence of casualties, Nanami directed both of you to the station, where chaos reigned as transfigured humans wreaked havoc.

Your pulse quickened with excitement, ready to face the challenge head-on but, you exchanged a determined glance with Yuji, silently communicating your shared resolve.

"Time to move, Itadori," you said, your voice steady despite the mounting tension.

With a nod of agreement, you both set off towards the station, your determination guiding you forward into the unknown.

"Mahito is still there," Yuji mentioned, his voice tense with the weight of the revelation.

"Is he behind the transfigured humans? But, there's no civilians around, so how is he bringing them out?" you questioned, your mind racing to piece together the puzzle.

"When I fought him last time, he was throwing them u-"

"Okay, I'm going to stop you right there," you interjected, not wanting to dwell on the gruesome details any longer.

With that conversation now coming to an end, the two of you resumed your journey towards the station, where Nanami awaited your arrival.

As you arrived outside the station, the scene before you was hauntingly grim. A bloody path of transfigured humans littered the ground, their bodies bearing the unmistakable marks of Nanami's weapon.

"He's close," you mentioned, a sense of urgency tinging your words as you scanned the area for any signs of Nanami or Mahito.

You noticed Yuji's silence and turned to look at him. His normally vibrant expression was replaced by a dark intensity as he stared at the lifeless bodies strewn across the ground, an emotion of rage glinting in his eyes.

"You okay?" you asked, your voice laced with concern as you reached out to him. After a moment, Yuji shook himself out of his daze, the fire in his eyes dimming slightly as he refocused his attention.

"Yeah," he replied tersely, his jaw clenched as he gave you a nod.

"It's can he play around with so many lives and not feel guilty?" Yuji added, his voice tinged with frustration and disbelief.

"He's a cursed spirit," you replied, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air as you acknowledged the harsh reality of their existence.

Your answer was simple, yet it carried a profound meaning, underscoring the merciless nature of cursed spirits and the dark path they tread.

"Come on," you said gently, offering a comforting pat on Yuji's back as you urged him forward.

As soon as you both rushed down a set of stairs and made it to the floor below, several transfigured humans were already on standby, their twisted forms ready to attack any sorcerer who dared to enter their domain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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