Chapter 10: The Scroll

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Meanwhile, later that night, Ballister sat on the sofa watching a zombie movie on the TV.

"I can believe I'm about to say this, but I actually feel bad for the zombies."

He looked to the side and saw Nimóne passed out next to him, his head had fallen on (Y/n)'s shoulder and was snoring away.

Ballister and (Y/n) shared a look, and smiled at the sight of him. But their smiles quickly turned to concern when they saw him start tossing and turning.

He shifted into a wolf, and then a cat, whimpering in his sleep.

"Stop...don't..." he muttered.

(Y/n) lightly shook him. "Hey. Hey."

He shifted back into himself, and looked around in fear.

"It's okay, you're safe." (Y/n) reassured, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We're home."

He looked at her sleepily. "Home?" He yawned and laid back down, resting his head on (Y/n)'s lap. "I like it here. Let's live here forever." He mumbled, before falling back asleep.

(Y/n) laughed lightly, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over him, falling asleep shortly after.

Ballister smiled at the sight of them, and went to grab another slice of pizza when his computer beeped. He looked over and saw that he had received a message.

He stood up and sat at the computer and opened it up. It was from Ambrosius. And the message was only one word.



A few minutes later, Ballister found himself in a tavern, sitting across from Ambrosius in a booth.

"You've got thirty seconds." Was the first thing Ballister said when he sat down.

"Thirty seconds?"

"That's a lot more time than you've given me."

"I'm here to save you."

Ballister scoffed and crossed his arms. "You know what, you are so full of—!"

"Hey! Can I get you guys something?" A waiter asked.

"Nachos!" They both snapped.

The waiter scurried off.

"And hold the olives." Ballister called after him. "He's allergic."

"Bal, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important." Ambrosius insisted.

"And I wouldn't be here if you'd stood up for me." Ballister argued.

"That is not fair."

"We're done. So is she." Ballister stated, gesturing to the TV where the Director could be seen.

"There is something I need to tell you."

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