Another Town Destroyed

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"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near."

The Town

Rose saw the group of men in chainmail and dark green leather armor destroy the small town that was her home.  Their weapons – swords, axes, lances – flashed menacingly in the morning sunlight bringing death.

Rose stayed hidden, her hands clamped over her ears trying to drown out the devastating screams of the men and women and children that she knew.

She trembled where she hid, afraid the men would see her, as if she were glowing with some mark they could see.  She kept the hood of her cloak pulled up over her red hair.

The screams of the dying eventually became quiet and that frightened her even more.

Somewhere in the far corners of her mind screamed her own terror.  Tears fell down her cheeks. Her eyes were opened so wide it hurt.

Rose shook all over, alone in the coldest bleakest winter day.  Saved only because she had gone to play in the woods by herself.

No one had ever thought this day would come.  Even situated so close to the Ismo border, no one dreamed that the town would be a target, that anyone from Ismo would dare cross into Alcott and cause such murder and mayhem.

But that day had come.  That day was here and the town was now engulfed in flames.

Knowing she could not stay hidden for any longer or else she would be caught and killed, Rose crawled through the underbrush of the woods until she saw the road she knew.

And then she run.

She run.

The nearest city - if she stayed on the road - was Gilder.

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