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"Are you nervous?"

I rolled my eyes. "I've ridden on a plane before."

Luc and I were sitting together on his private jet preparing for take off. Luc had been attentive to my safety the minute we stepped on the plane. Though I was capable of buckling a seatbelt, he double checked that I was secured in my seat. He would've triple checked had I not stopped him. He rested his hand on my knee, I assumed more out of comfort for him than me.

Luc shook his head. "That's not what I meant. Are you ready to see my family?"

We were flying out from the island to Genoa, Italy, where Luc's family lived. Days after the banquet, our relationship only continued to progress. Since business dealings were all running as scheduled, Luc suggested we take a short vacation.

"Of course. They loved me at the wedding."

A noise coming from the speaker quieted us. The pilot gave a brief message, saying we would be going up in the air any minute now. When the silence returned, Luciano continued our conversation.

"That's no surprise. Anyone can tell at first glance that you're an extraordinary woman."

"Did you think that highly of me when we first met?" I asked.
"Yes, but I would never have admitted it at the time."

"Because you were too busy playing the role of an asshole mafia boss."

The jet sped down the runway, making me sink in my chair to prepare for the feeling of take off.  The idea of getting off the ground didn't bother Luc, who sat as straight and tall as ever. On the inside, he was heartfelt and compassionate, but his outer layers only revealed a man whose rules were unbendable and his body immovable.

He chuckled. My gaze traveled to his defined jaw as it opened to show off his perfect white teeth. A woman could fall in love with his smile alone. I would have to get used to the two sides of my husband. The side of him he allowed others to see and the side that was only meant for those he cared about.

"I was being a real asshole when we first met. Hopefully that's not all you see me as anymore."

"Definitely not. I still think you can be an asshole, but you're a good man."

"Despite the bad things I've done."

"You said you didn't choose this life."

"I didn't. But I could've chosen death." Luc removed his hand from my knee and clasped it with his other one, his gaze falling to his lap. "It would've saved my soul."

"Hey." I took his chin and turned him to face me. "There's always a chance for redemption. Your soul isn't lost. If you died, Cesare would've happily taken your place and committed worse deeds than you have."

"How do you know about Cesare?"

I bit my lip to stop any stuttered words from coming out. I couldn't admit that I had talked with Cesare a few nights before. While Armando claimed Cesare wouldn't act on his displeasure with Luc as Don, he was still a dangerous man. With how protective Luc could be, he would not approve of Cesare getting close to me.

"Armando told me. Back when we had that second poker night long ago."
"Oh. You don't have to worry about him, I have him handled. But promise me you'll keep your distance."

"I won't be going anywhere near him if I see him," I promised. It wouldn't be a hard promise to keep. After the other night, the last thing I wanted was to be around him.

The seatbelt light went off and Luc looked ready to jump out of his seat. "We're in the air. Do you know what that means?"

"I'm stuck on a plane with you for the next few hours?"

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