Chapter 31

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April - May 2024

The Grand Prix in Shanghai and Miami did not bring Charles such big points as the previous races. He finished fourth and third, but the universe was probably in his favor, because even his main rivals for the victory in the Drivers' Championship did not do very well. Most of my time away from home has been a blur, don't get me wrong. I loved every moment I spent with Charles, in the garage and in my tiny physiotherapy room, but I couldn't wait for us to move back to Europe and for my life to fit into a little more stereotype.

Andrea and Joris were now an integral part of our relationship and it felt like we made such a strange but happy family. They basically went on dates with us and I was glad that at least I was spending the nights with Charles only. During the time I spent in the company of Joris, I became more and more convinced that he was originally supposed to be born as a golden retriever and God changed his mind at the last minute. He really was a bit like our baby. At the same time, I cannot deny that he was also able to be responsible when needed. I understood that he functions a bit like Charles's personal assistant, making sure that Charlie is always where he needs to be.

We all went back to Maranello before the Imola Grand Prix and I couldn't wait to see Dad again. "I'm home!" I shouted after slamming the door open to the guest house. Dad emerged from the kitchen, wiped his hands on the apron, and headed toward me. He patted my shoulder and then hugged Charles who walked in right behind me. "Hello? Your daughter is back," I said a little indignantly and pointed to myself. Dad finally let go of Charles and hugged me too. "Scusa, cara. Nice to see you both. I just had the lasagna baked, would you like some?" he asked, and all the outrage left me instantly, and Charles and I both nodded eagerly.

After eating away from home for so long, my dad's lasagna felt like the best food in the world. Which actually always came to me, but now I was somehow able to appreciate it more. "Davide, you should know that Adri and I are together now," Charles announced dramatically halfway through the meal, looking at my dad. We talked about it together on the flight from Miami and agreed that we should officially announce it to my father. But it didn't occur to me that Charles would just drop it mid-meal. I narrowed my eyes and looked at him but he just shrugged and we both turned back to my dad in sync. He looked at us and was silent. I raised my eyebrows and waited patiently for his reaction. "Ah, you want me to say something about that," he thought, placing his fork on his plate. He thought for a moment and then blurted out, "Well, took you long enough."

"Sorry?" I laughed.

"Come on. I've been waiting for it since January. Luca and I made a bet whether you will get together in the first half of the season or the second. Your brother owes me 20 euros."

I turned back to Charles, who was staring open-mouthed and wide-eyed. I probably looked just as shocked.

"You made a bet about my love life?" the resentment was back. Dad just shrugged and smiled sweetly.

"I want half the profits," I finally stated, frowning at my dad.


"Because if I left it up to Charles, you'd lose."

"Why do we have to drive your car?" Charles whined as I opened the door of my Golf and got into the driver's seat. "Because I want to show you that I drive better than you on the road," I smirked, even though I was one hundred percent sure that it wasn't true. My scraped rear bumper and scratched left rearview mirror are proof of that. "I don't think so," Charles grumbled, but resignedly sat in the passenger seat. "We can't come to Maranello in this old jalopy," he commented, looking longingly at his Ferrari, which was left in the driveway. "This is a reliable machine. I have a very close relationship with him and please don't ever insult him again," I patted the dashboard of my car and gave Charles a not-so-friendly look. "A reliable machine, you say?" he smirked and flashed his eyes at me. "And didn't this reliable machine catch fire quite recently? And didn't someone have to drive you home in a really reliable, beautiful, and above all representative car?"

"My car is perfectly adequate," I gritted my teeth and started the engine.

"You're an absolutely horrible passenger," I commented on his behavior as we parked in front of the main entrance to the development center. The whole way he looked like his life was in danger, digging his foot into the floor as if he was looking for the brake pedal and kept checking which gear I was in. "I didn't say a word the whole time," he defended himself.

"You didn't even have to. Your gestures speak for you."

I looked at him, he was looking at me with his green-blue-brown-whatever eyes, and at that moment it finally dawned on me. Oddly chosen moment, I know. But what can you do?

"Charlie?" I asked and he smiled.


"I love you."

His smile widened even more and his dimples were now the size of moon craters. I felt my mouth spread into a wide smile too.



"I love you too." 

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