Chapter 51

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November 2024

The whole day I was nervous like crazy. Charles spent the whole morning with journalists and sponsors and in the afternoon he started preparing for the race. There wasn't even a minute when I could take him aside and talk to him, but at the same time I knew that it was very stupid to tell him something so important before the race. I spent most of the time with Kika, trying to talk about anything but the tiny creation in my stomach.

Before the race, I wished him good luck and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I could see how confused he was when he noticed my nervous expression, but he didn't ask anything. He had enough to worry about with his own race that started in a few tens of minutes. I wanted to watch the race with the team, so I left Kika and stayed in the Ferrari garage, where I put on my headphones and stood next to Joris. I mentally prayed that he would be a little less observant than Charles and not ask me anything, but as soon as his eyes landed on me, he frowned and asked, "You are pale. What's wrong with you?" I flashed my eyes at him and answered that I was fine. He didn't look like I convinced him, but luckily he let it slide because by then the formulas lined up on the grid and then headed off for the formation lap.

When the lights went out and the cars forged forward, everything was going exactly as planned. Charles managed to keep Max behind him in third position and it was just a matter of not making any mistakes. And luckily, he succeeded. Lando won the race, with Charles in second and Max in third. This increased the points lead in the championship by a few points, and although Charles was never completely satisfied with second place, this time he took it by all ten because it meant he was one step closer to becoming world champion. Only 2 races left.

"Is everything okay, Adri? You seem very quiet," asked Charles when we were sitting on the plane to Doha. This time, in addition to our regular travel companions, Joris and Andrea, Kika and Pierre also flew with us, as Charles generously offered them a ride. I turned to Kika, who was discreetly watching us and gave me an encouraging look. I shook my head and turned back to Charles. "We'll talk about it at the hotel, okay?" I said quietly and smiled at him. I didn't want to deal with it in front of others. It was enough that Kika knew about it, and I firmly hoped that she had kept it a secret from Pierre. Our two adopted children didn't have to know as well. "Are you looking forward to Qatar?" I asked instead, entwining his fingers with mine. That was enough to distract him from my obvious anxiety and focus on the upcoming race.

Still, I knew the moment was inevitably coming when I would have to tell him. But at the same time, I was fully aware that I haven't been to the doctor yet, so I don't know for sure if everything is fine and also that nothing excludes the possibility that the first trimester won't turn out as expected. But right after we arrived at the hotel and checked in, Charlie sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him. I took a deep breath to gather some courage and sat down next to him. "You want to tell me what's going on?" he sputtered, looking at me with his green eyes and blinking a few times. I smiled at him and stroked his cheek. "My period was late. Like a lot," I began lightly, watching his expression change. He looked puzzled for a moment, then thoughtful, then slowly raised his eyebrows as he realized what that meant. "I took several tests in Vegas and they turned out positive." "So..." he began and took my hand. He looked at me questioningly, searching my face for a hint of who knows what. "You are pregnant?" he finally asked directly. I nodded and watched his eyes light up. "But Charlie..." I cut him off before he could get too excited. "It's too early. I haven't been to the doctor yet. I don't want you to get your hopes up if..." "You're pregnant!" he shouted and laughed. "Shhh!" I slapped my hand on his mouth but laughed too.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked later that evening when we were both snuggled up under the blanket looking out the window at the Lusail night skyline. In the dim light, I could see a deep furrow forming between his eyebrows. "Everything," he whispered and moved a little so he could stroke my hair. "Everything?" I giggled. "Um," he mumbled. "Charlie!" I whimpered and propped myself up on my elbow to look at him. "What's happening?" I pushed him. "Would you rather have a wedding in Monaco or Italy?" he asked. "You haven't even proposed yet," I smirked and pressed myself against him again. "Exactly. Yet." 

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