No one can.

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Its like my legs stopped working, once the words of those text fully sunk in. I was nearly halfway up the stairs, and I just couldn't manage to convince my brain to form a normal thought. I couldn't think of an excuse to be talking to Anthony, other than the truth. I couldn't think of anything but the new found anxiety weighing so heavily on my chest.

At the end of the day, it was empty threats, from behind a phone screen. Mattheo knew absolutely everything there was to know about me. From start to finish. The only thing 'unknown' could really threaten me with, was exposing the secret of Mattheo and I.

Truth be told, the only reason we were keeping it a secret, was to spare our closest friends feelings. Maybe also not to look like complete assholes to Anthony. Besides that, absolutely nothing was holding us back.

When I finally made it to the top of the stairs, there he stood. Hung over the railing, cigarette in mouth. I let out a small cough to make my presence known.

He slowly turned, his dead eyes darting in my direction. This fight felt...different. Weird. I just wanted to run over to him and throw my self around him. His touch was the only thing that could calm me down on any given occasion. Right now, he was all I needed. Yet, he was so far.

"Well?" He spat, his words filled with venom.

"Matt, please just let me-"

"This better be fucking good, yn. There better be a perfectly good explanation on why you, my girl, were caught, talking- no, arguing with your ex-boyfriend in the middle of the fucking courtyard." He inched closer, his words stabbing deeper with every passing sentence.

My words caught in my throat.

"There is! I swear." I couldn't stop my eyes from glossing over.

"So fucking talk!" he screamed, he knew his anger was the one thing I hated about him. He was like a fuse, waiting to blow at any moment.

"I texted him to meet me-"

"Fuck this." he scoffed, going to walk away.

"I didn't fucking finish!" I grabbed his arm, pulling him back from leaving me up here alone.

"Why the fuck did you text him?!" I couldn't help but gasp at the anger in his words.

"You didn't let me fucking finish!" I yelled, my voice letting out a small crack, "I texted him to meet me because..."

The text creeped back into my mind, I was beginning to grow worried about the threat, what could this person actually have on me?

"I texted him because, he had my textbook, I needed it for NEWT studying. When he met me, I admitted to being with you. It made him angry." I couldn't look him in the eye.

"You texted him, for a fucking text book?" he let out a dry laugh, "You couldn't walk your ass to the library to get a new one? You had to publicly meet up with your ex-boyfriend for a book?"

"Yes! I had notes in the margins, I needed that exact book!" my voice, cracked once again.

"Well, I hope that fucking book was worth us. I am not dealing with this bullshit, and I quite frankly, don't fucking believe you." he was halfway to the stairs now.

"Matt!"I yelled.

"MATTHEO!" I screamed.

He didn't budge.

He didn't even turn around.

I felt my chest, closing in on me. I never wished apperation was permitted in the castle as much as I did right now. I was alone, on top of the astronomy tower, gasping for air.

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