I know.

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Typically, one of your friends bursting through the door after a very intimate moment with your boyfriend; who you're about to not see for three months while he undergoes his fathers wrath, would be HORRIBLE.

But Draco bursting through that door, the slight smirk at the sight of Mattheo and I together, no comment on our current state and him just throwing our clothes at us.

It felt like a breath of fresh air.

Like the final realization of acceptance from our friends.

Like he was actually happy for us.

So I laughed.

I couldn't help but just laugh and smile like the idiot that I am.

Then I jumped. Into my clothes and followed Draco down the twisty stairs that led to our common room.

That led to a very drunk Theo, picking a fight with none other than Cedric Diggory.

A sour taste over took my mouth.

"If I ever hear you mention her name again it'll be the last thing you do." Theo screamed.

My chest tightened.

"That is, if Riddle doesn't end you first." Theos words held such venom.

"What's the matter Nott? Mad she didn't let you have your turn? I'm sure she'll circle back." Cedric laughed.

Big mistake.

Huge mistake.

Theos hands flung quicker than I could run over to him. Instantly connecting with his jaw, and dropping him to ground.

"Don't EVER talk about her like that." He spat at the very disoriented Cedric on the ground.

"That's enough Nott, I don't think he can even hear you right now." Mattheo said with a dry laugh, as he turned and looked down to Cedric, with a swift kick to his ribs, "disrespect my girl again, and I will fucking kill you."

Mattheo's words were so calm, they were unnerving. But everyone knew he meant every word.

"Turn the music up, nothing to see here." Draco shouted to a girl standing by the speakers.

But I couldn't take my eyes off of Theo.

I knew how he got, when he fought. I knew what it took to get him to that point of anger, and how hard it was for him to get out of it.

It's been that way since he was a child.

So when he quickly exited the room, I followed at his heels.

A quick nod to Mattheo, and one in return from him. He knew where I was going.

I followed Theo up to his dorm, and stoped his door from slamming in my face.

"Shit, sorry yn. Go back to the party. I just have to cool off." He shook his head.

"Sit, Theo." I whispered, walking to his bathroom.

"What?" He asked, but listened.

I returned with a cold rag, and placed it on the back of his neck, while I took a joint out of his end table, and took the vial of hellebore out as well. Rubbing a dab behind his ears and on his writs after I handing him his joint.

"How did you know about that?" He asked, as he allowed me to do it.

"Your mum used to do this when you were little. After your father would have a fit, calmed you right down. You always had- issues. With your anger. After you started getting into fights at school, you realized it helped you for this reason too." I looked up at his confused face, and remembered the part I had to play, "you told me once when we were drunk. About how angry you get. And how this is one of the only things that calm you."

"He just wouldn't shut up." He scoffed, "came in and realized you and Riddle weren't there. Said you must be doing-" he stopped, and with a flinch continued "things with him. That you're the house whore. Something came over me and just exploded. Hearing him talk about you like that made my blood boil."

"Thank you, for defending me Theo. It means a lot to me. I'm sorry he got you all worked up, he's nothing to pay attention to, really. I haven't let him bother me in months. Ignore him and his stupid mouth." I gave him a soft smile, as I sat on the bed next to him.

"I couldn't let him talk about my best friends girlfriend like that," fucking ouch, "you're one of my friends too, he had to be put in his place."

"Like I said, thank you Theo." I couldn't think of anything else to say. His last words left me a little stunned.

"Well, thank you for remembering things when we're blacked out drunk. You really helped me, more than you know." He smiled.

But I do know.

"Of course."

2:30 a.m

Is he good?

But perfectly fine

Are you okay?

I don't like people like Cedric bother me

He won't be
For a long long while
Or anyone else for that matter.


Full name huh?

What did you do, Riddle?

Hell just need to regrow his teeth
And correct his jaw bone


He was begging for it speaking about you like that

You're insane

You love it
Meet you in your dorm?

Be there soon.🤍

And I dragged my self back to my dorm room. Exhausted from tending to Theo. From my activities with Mattheo. From the thoughts that had been constantly running through my mind since I found out I wouldn't be spending the summer with him.

It was hard enough to get through to Mattheo. On the level we're on now. I watched it be thrown away for months, because we couldn't admit our feelings to one another.

I was utterly terrified of what a summer alone, with his father would do to him. Now that he was - one of them. Because of me, nonetheless.

I worried for his soul. For his sanity. For the thing in his chest, that kept Mattheo, Mattheo.

I needed him to be okay. To not loose himself.

Or I- I couldn't think.

But when I opened my dorm door, it all.... Melted.

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