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I couldn't stop the tears. No matter how hard I tried. I looked at him and I felt was hurt. I wanted to go in my room and cry forever. I couldn't believe he was the one who did all of this to me.

But, I did what I had to do. Erasing his memories of us was the best thing I could've ever did for him. Minus the hell he put me through these past weeks, he was still my best friend.

Yes, he was absolutely wrong. But the boys would not take it lightly knowing he was the one who did it, I did it for him.

As much as it hurt me to do. Stripping him of his true feelings, I felt awful. But not awful enough.

He pulled me into his arms and hugged me, all he knew was I was sitting in front of him crying about Merlin knows what.

"Yn, it's okay! You're shaking, Merlin." He huffed, rubbing his hand up and down my arm, "I know we're not the closest but you can talk to me, did riddle do something? I'll kill him for you."

Hearing those words leave his mouth was the final push of the knife was I drove through my own heart.

"Oh Theo," I sighed, pulling away to look at him, "he didn't do anything. He's perfect, actually. I'm just stressed about exams and summer, that's all." I faked a smile.

"You're the brightest witch I know, and summer? Why?" His eyebrows raised, "oh, because of your living situation right? I'm sure we can work something out with the group. I can talk to my dad even, maybe you can stay with me, as long as it's okay with riddle." He let out a laugh.

Yes, his father who has known me since I was eleven. And knew I was theo's absolute best friend.

I didn't know the person sitting across from me.

He didn't know me.

Hearing him talk about my "living situation" made my skin crawl. Because he was the only one who knew every single dirty detail. Now, they're gone.

"That's kind of you Theo, but I think I'll be alright." I wiped my face a final time, standing to my feet, which felt like they didn't belong on my own body.

"I'll walk with you back to the common room." He jumped to his feet.

We walked in absolute silence, when it hit me.

"Hey Theo, can I borrow your phone? Mine died a while ago and I'm sure Matt is looking for me." I lied.

"Sure." He reached into his pocket and gave it to me.

I took it and quickly deleted our past conversations, along with the app he was using to text me from unknown, a question I finally got the answer too. I deleted all photos where we looked to close, until I was just the girl in all the group pictures.

"Thanks, he didn't answer." I shrugged.

"I'm sure he's in the common room waiting for you." He nodded.

And the second we reached the common room; and it was empty like I knew it'd be, I ran to my room.

I slammed the door behind me and allowed myself to fall to my knees. The sobs ripping through my throat.

How could he do this... why would he do this...

He doesn't even realize he just lost his best friend.

I knew everything about him. Absolutely everything. From how he liked his coffee,
to the last words his mother ever spoke to him. From how quidditch actually makes him anxious but he plays for the boys, to how his nose scrunches when your quill hits the paper the wrong way because it irritates him. We were closer than siblings. We always have been, and now... I was nothing.

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