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Still searching for his quarry at night Konrad can't help but feel nervous about claiming his 1st monster skull and in some ways he's proud of it as well to think he's finally starting with a high class Monster says alot. However, back at the safe zone, Karlach and the Huntsman discuss their monstrous teammate.

Karlach: He's been gone for 20 minutes(eats cooked fish). Do you think we should go after him ?
Huntsman: No(drinks mead) he's got to learn
Karlach: By what, getting himself killed by whatever the crystals enhanced ?
Huntsman: He's much tougher than he looks(puts sword down) besides its probably nothing he can't handle (gets up and walks into his tent)

While Karlach looks on into the glowing sea like forest worrying for her teammate, Konrad is nearing the creatures' location, and what he finds scares him and then excites

Konrad(werewolf): A Thunder lord Zinogre (takes batte stance)(growls)
(T. Zinogre awakens and looks at him)(snarls)
T. Zinogre:(stands and snarls)(lighting builds up around it)(roars)

The 2 wolves lunged at each other the heavier deviant of a Zinogre does overtake Konrad slamming him into the ground, but this doesn't go unpunished as Konrad is able to throw the creature off abd follow up with a hook punch send the Beast through a coral rock, the deviant then shoots a bolt of lighting at Konrad only for it to miss due to konrads speed, but the deviant comes down with a lighting enhanced claw which smashes Konrad into the ground, Konrad then uppercuts the creature staggering it back, then coming down with a overhand haymaker smashing the beasts head into the ground creating its own crater, the deviant then lunges and is about to bite Konrad, however Konrad blocks it with his left arm and takes the bite, he then hammer fists the top of the deviants head with so much force that it breaks its horns, this dazes the deviant long enough for Konrad to uses his right claw and slash at the black of his legs inflicting a deep wound in its tendons making it Harder for the Beast to move, the deviant however still agile enough smacks him with his tail sending Konrad through a coral wall.

Konrad(werewolf):(breathing heavily)
T. Zinogre:(breathing heavily)(starts limping)(begins to build up electricity)
Konrad(werewolf):(laughs) thank you for making me feel so (summons right claws) Alive

They both rushed at eachother Thunderlord zinogre going for a full power lighting charge and Konrad throwing caution to the wind and using his good arm to hopefully stab through the creatures skull as the 2 attacks collide Konrad pushed through the pain and thunder and claimed his 1st kill. Roaring to the top of his lungs celebrating victory he would then collapse from the pain.

We would then pick up 1 hour later where Konrad wakes up in his tent with bandages on him and him realizing that he was dragged back to the base.

Konrad(human): (walks outside) it's still night(chuckles and walks off)
Karlach: seriously?!(follows him) you can't be serious
Konrad: Sorry she demon ive got a skull to claim
Karlach:(scoffs) 1st off its karlach to you 2nd off you just took down an elder dragon lvl deviant and wrecked the highlands!

Konrad took a minute to look around at the environment and realized that it had Been destroyed as a result of their fight, however the duo made it to their destination where Konrad had harvested the vital parts of the corps to make himself a new armor and with hod right arm he rips out the huge skull if the Thunder lord Zinogre much to karlaches shock.


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