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The hooded man ran from the battle as the Grimclaw Tigrex jumped at its next victims only for Konrad to uppercut the flying wyvern back.

Karlach:(sees Konrad strain and runs over)(gets zapped) ow, since when can you do that ?
Konrad(werewolf): Since now, I guess (grimclaw recovers and then roars) go and get the stranger I'll handle this(gets up)
Karlach: Are you sure ?
Konrad(werewolf):(Grimclaw gets up and roars) Yeah, I got it

The duo of the Huntsman and Karlach ran after the hooded figure as Konrad and the Grimclaw Tigrex clashed and wrestled in a contest of strength causing massive earthquakes across the veil enough to even awaken the enhanced elder dragon, Blackveil vaal hazak from its chambers.

Karlach: Jeez, he wasn't this strong !
Huntsman: You're right, something different about him, but right now, focus on the objective at hand (both continue the chase)

Konrad had never felt more alive every punch, slash, and bite was fueling his desire to battle, to hunt, to prove himself to the sisters to him the Grimclaw was nothing more than another achievement to him. Back with karlach and THE Huntsman, they've finally cornered the hooded figure.

Huntsman: Whoever you are(draws longsword) by the order of the guild you are under arrest !
Hooded man:(draws dual blades) your more than welcome to try
Karlach: No way (draws battle axe) he's a former hunter ?! This is gonna be fun


he 2 v 1 battle ensues with the 3 hunters battle styles clashing in a amazing display of skill, raw power, elegance and speed, however the Huntsmans age is starting to show as he can't keep up with the fight and out of nowhere collapse from the battle causing karlach to momentarily become distracted, which is enough for the Hoonded man to disarm abd stab her in the gut causing her to yell out in pain.

Back at the top of the veil Konrad now has the full advantage and has realized that the strain in his body was it adapting to a new ability granted to him by the bite of the Thunderlord Zinogre his very own version of Thunder while it's not his ideal pick for an ability he can't help but feel grateful for the crimson lighting surging within and now around his body. The Grimclaw who is now seriously injured tries to get up but konrad simply pins the monster down with its foot and with enough force breaks its neck, however karlach's scream final reaches him and without hesitation he rushes to their location to which he's able to knockout an Acidic glavenus with one Lighting infused punch shocking karlach at not only the speed but the new ability, but the ferocity of the punch.

Konrad:(turns human and rips of his shirt)(karlach blushes) don't get any ideas your loosing blood(wraps her wound) where's Huntsman?
Karlach: He's (looks in shock)(Konrad transforms and catches the glavenus tail) wow y-your amazing

With little effort konrad threw the Acidic glavenus in the opposite direction and the creature running Konrad then spots the hunter and rushes over to him realizing that his heart has stopped, without any hesitation he discharges an electrical blast that restarts the huntsmans heart and helps him up.

Fast forward about an hour later Konrad is watching over both karlach and Huntsman as he thinks about how reckless he was, but his thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice as he turns and kneels before one of his mistresses and her lover, moranna and striga

Next: Love and Thunder

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