Chapter 49

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The two held hands, and as soon as they reached the door, Gu Yang became smaller with a “bang”, was caught by Fan Yuan, and laid in Fan Yuan’s hands, clutching his small head and humming, it took too much energy to grow bigger. Gu Yang felt dizzy at this moment, and the whole world was spinning.

Fan Yuan picked up the clothes that fell to the ground because Gu Yang became smaller, and was stunned when he picked up the underwear.

These were his underwear, not Gu Yang’s.

Seeing this, Gu Yang, who was covering his head, blushed immediately, turned around in Fan Yuan’s palm, and turned his back to Fan Yuan.

“I, that… I didn’t notice that I took the wrong one…”

Fan Yuan put the clothes he picked up aside, and teased little Gu Yang:

“Wasn’t it too big?”

Gu Yang “hummed”, and was stuffed under the quilt by Fan Yuan, pretending not to hear.

Fan Yuan rubbed Gu Yang’s little head:

“Go to sleep.”

Gu Yang was also exhausted, nodded and closed his eyes, breathing steadily and falling asleep soon.

This sleep was dreamless until midnight, when Gu Yang opened his eyes, he saw countless bright green light spots floating in the room, and the light spots moved slowly, as if they all came from outside.

He stood up and took a few steps forward, only to realize that he was directly floating in mid-air.

Only then did Gu Yang realize that he should be in a dream, not waking up from sleep.

He walked lightly in mid-air, approaching the bedroom window.

In the yard outside the window, the big tree in the center was constantly emitting green light spots, and those light spots seem to be guiding Gu Yang to walk over.

Gu Yang took a step forward, his body actually went through the closed window and went directly outside.

He walked in the air step by step, slowly approaching the big tree in the center.

As he approached, the night was fleeting, and the day came, with the dazzling sun above and the green grass all around, suddenly it was summer.

Gu Yang turned his head and saw that the upstairs window was open, with white screens floating, and he was even more sure that it was a dream.

Fan Yuan never used light-colored curtains or bed sheets. Everything at Fan Yuan’s was dark-colored, most of which were black, and there were very few light-colored things.

The big tree in the center of the courtyard had a huge canopy, covering the sky and the sun. The dense leaves danced with the wind, as if playing a piece of music full of vitality.

All things have spirits, and trees were one of the most important, especially these old trees.

Gu Yang walked to the big tree, and touched the rough trunk with his small hand. The moment his palm touched it, the surrounding scenery rotated violently, and the time-space transformation was completed in an instant.

After everything stopped, Gu Yang heard the sound of conversation coming from under the tree.

He lowered his head and saw a man in a suit and leather shoes under a tree scolding a child.

Gu Yang controlled his body to float down, saw the man’s face clearly and his heart skipped a beat, this was the much younger Father Fan. He immediately looked at the child opposite Father Fan, and sure enough, he saw the miniature version of Fan Yuan.

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