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With so many people around,
I still suffocate,
It's like having air to breath,
but not the oxygen to respirate,
Number is countless of how many commarades I have,
But when I need to propagate,
a genuine person to talk is what I lack,
It's not because no one is around ,
or no one to hear what I say,
Its becuause of the foolish me,
I know how to speak,
but I still can't communicate.

All my companions,
push me to tell them all I feel,
Even I call them to open up,
but always my words retreat,
They try to figure out what I want to say,
But I smile it away,
its only what good I can do being a human being.

It is what feels like having water,
but still not being able to quinch the thirst,
People tell me they love me ,
praise me for all I am,
But my mind still plays with me ,
and I want all my tears to burst,
All I feel even when I have a culster of people is relinquished,
Its like being affluent,
but still being impoverished.


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