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The sun sets, and the place glows,
Men tired from work walking slow,
He meets a woman smiling at him,
And at the very moment the stiffness of his body goes.

On the other hand,she is shivirng inside,
The man seems old enough ,but she is still in her fille time,
Her hands are tightend in a fist,but she still gives him a smile relentless.

The door shuts,and the night grows darker,
Making her jump,she hears his laughter,
Her fearfull self just wants to run away,
But now not only her,but her consent has also been purchased.

The night ends,and so does the wrath of the man,
He opens the door contended,tilting his head and cracking his hands,
He smacks the money on the floor ,
Leaving the girl like a corp.

The little fragile body of her,is no more a virgin,
The blood on the sheets is a proof of the monster she faced,
And every night monsters like him will be lurking,
She will no more be a daughter, a sister or someone who is loved ,
And even though not her fault  shame is what on her face will be laced.


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