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With a perplexed brain, and a counterfeit smile,
With a petrified heart, her thoughts going a mile,
She hides her pain, she fakes a laugh
Everytime any person cares to ask.

Thoughts that run through her head,
Nightmares that haunt her in bed,
All keep rampaging through her brain all the time,
But whenever you aproach her, what adorns her face is a smile.

She despises herself, from the core of her heart,
But all she gives is love,even when her life is falling apart,
She asks you to share all that is making you worry,
Even though when alone,her own tears makes her vision blurry.

All she needs is a person treating her good,
So a small polite encounter ,makes her give all she could,
And just one 'are you okay?' Breaks her in tears,
And she might sound weak to you,but remember,
She is no less than a warrior.


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