Chapter 5

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AUSTRAL'S POV (Pic is of Luna Elisa)

I thought over and over about what Alpha Lawrence told me.A tear slid down my cheek

"Austral, it's going to be okay, I promise you." Aiden told me, lightly squeezing hand and wiping my year away with his other hand

"No matter what happens, I will be there for you, I'm your mate Austral, I care about you, that's why I brought you here before any of those nasty rogues could get to you." My heart fluttered when he said that, my wolf yipped happily.I looked up at him

"How can you be so sure?" I asked him, speaking to him for the first time.He smiled at me

"Because I am, and you have me to protect you.I'm the veteran wolf and your the pup wolf, I can tell you have shifted only recently." He told me and I slowly nodded

"How long exactly was I out?" I asked him

"For the entire night, I wanted to be there when you woke up, but my mom told me to go get fire wood since it's becoming cold out." He explained to me and I slowly nodded

"Why did you run away from the house before anyways?" I lowered my gaze, away from his kind eyes

"Freaked out about what pack territory I was in." I stated

"Because we are a rogue pack?" He asked me and I slowly nodded.He sighed and ran a hand through his hair

"Are you afraid of us, of me?" He sounded hurt when he added 'of me'

"I don't know, I was always told that rogues were bad and which packs I should stay away from by my dad." I told him, ashamed that I believed it.Aiden stared at me, searching for any emotions visible on my face.He would have found, shame, and regret, but I hid my emotions on my face greatly

"Austral." He grabbed my head and made it so I would look at him straight in the eyes.I gulped when he was staring intently at me, butterflies erupted in my stomach, making me feel queasy

"Whatever your dad told you, was wrong, not all rogues are bad, not all rogue packs are bad either, it's 50, 50 with both good and bad rogues, I'm part of that 50% of good rogues.The bad rogues has been killing off the good rogues because they are peaceful and go against them.That's why that rogue was here, right behind you, because he knew I was there, he knew I am the heir to be Alpha of Origaith Pack when I get older.Now, I have not to worry about my safety, but also yours.I have been alive this long, so will you." His words encouraged me like no other.I need to stop thinking about myself, I needed to think about other's well being, including his, my mate's, Aiden Reed.
(A year later)
"Hema dear, can you help me with pick this up?" I heard Elisa call for me.I have now been calling her Elisa then Luna Elisa because over the past year we have gotten closer together, I even find myself almost calling her Mom, and Lawrence Dad, because I have became so accustomed to it, and I loved it.I walked into the room she was in to see she was trying I lift up a book shelf

"Elisa, since when did we have a bookshelf?" I asked her

"Been up in the old attic for years Hema, but Lawrence used to always read but has been so caught up in his 'duties' he barely has time to enjoy a good book." She told me with a smile.I lifted up the other side with my werewolf strength and we carried it to the new study.We were currently moving into a new home to restart the Origaith Pack, the bad rogues from other rogue packs have destroyed the original one so we are rebuilding it.I have now taken the name Hema as my first name to not raise suspicion around the area.The search for Cross Pack's Alpha daughter has beaned ceased to an end a week ago, along with Dad's.

We set the bookshelf down, having the floor creak a little bit from the weight.Banging was heard outside of the house, knowing it was nothing to worry about, I continued on with my work in getting the house furnished.Aiden and Lawrence were outside cutting wood and were installing a new room add on to the house that will be the kitchen.After hours of work, I took my break to make some snacks for them and water.After I made them both 4 sandwiches and grabbed two waters bottles for each of them, I headed out to give it to them, balancing the two plates filled with sandwiches on my forearms and two water bottles in each hand.

"Come on, it's time for you guys for at and take a break!" I called for them, Lawrence looked over at me, from cutting a board.He glanced at Aiden and saw them mind link each other, Aiden has taught me everything he knows about wolves and how they speak between minds, I know their history and language.I was thankful for that.Aiden and Lawrence took the plates and waters from me, having me sigh in relief, rubbing my fore arms

"Thanks Austral." Aiden kissed my fore head before sitting down at the porch and began slowly eating his snack, Lawrence was already done a fully energized and was back to working.'Hmph, workaholic.' I thought in my mind and Aiden chuckled at me

"You opened your mind up for me again." He told sipping from one I his water bottles.I rolled my eyes and sat next to him, we still haven't really figured out the whole mates thing

"Well sorry Little Alpha." He glared at me playfully


"I'm not that short ya know!I have even grown two inches from last year!" I defended myself

"Then how am I taller than you?"

"Because you are, 1. A boy 2. 1 year older than me and 1 month, 3 days, 3. PLUS you grow like you're big foot's kid!" I exclaimed at him and he rolled his eyes at me

"Then you must be a munchkin if I'm big foot's kid." I growled at him playfully

'"Aiden!When you're done, get a load of wood off of the truck!"' Lawrence yelled in the mind link causing both of us to jump involuntarily

'"Okay!"' Aiden said in the mind link and demolished his third sandwich

"Woah don't eat so fast Aiden!" I warned him, worried about him throwing up or feeling to full when he is working

"Sorry, but I have to really gets this work done and prove to Dad that I am responsible enough for the pack." He told me and I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder

"I know, but you both deserve a break from working so much these past few months, especially from running away from the rogues from Hinder Pack." I told him and he sighed but nodded

"I know, thanks Austral."

To Be continued
I did this on my IPod that's why the spacing is weird, sorry! -Golden

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