Chapter 24

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Austral's POV

It's been a half hour into the fight, and I was tired.

Both of us were, but we were both determined to take the other down in order to save the world or destroy it. My clothing was ripped and tattered, the hood I was wearing was ripped off by one of her claws when I wasn't paying attention. My wild blonde hair was flailing everywhere as I dodged attacks from her, my gold eyes trained on her movements.

Within this short set of time, my mind always wondered to if the others got out safely, if Lee was safe and out of harms way, if Maria was out of Maya's Spell. Those were the questions swirling in my mind, but I didn't know the answer to them until I could see them again.

Maya sent a fire ball towards me, only for me to counterattack it with water. I could feel my energy draining, knowing full well that if I collapsed right here and now, no one would be safe in Maya's Tyranny. Sandy was trying her best to help me, taking control every once in a while so I could get a short break and be back at it again. I could feel her at the back of my mind, waiting, waiting for when the time is right.

I took a deep breath and rose the ground up from around me, the cement slowly crumbling apart as I did so. I swung my arms, putting my body into it with rhythm, I sent it towards her and watched as she dodged the cements swiftly, only getting knocked a few times. She was more experienced than me, I knew that, so she has a advantage in this battle.

My eyes darted around me when she disappeared out of thin air, making herself invisible to me. I sniffed around, trying to catch her scent, only to feel something collide with the back of my head, having a ringing sound be nagging in my ears. I cringed in pain, clutching onto the back of my head and swiftly turned around to see Maya holding a big rock in her hand, a triumphant smirk on her face

"Give up?"

"Hell no." I told her, shaking my head and felt behind my head, only to feel wetness, I pulled my hand back into my vision to see blood. Crap, this isn't good

"Give up darling, you will only perish in flames if you keep on going." I growled at her, not having it. I need to defeat her before I lose too much blood

"Too bad, say your prayers to your Goddess!" She came at me with lightning speed, forming a sword with the rock she just hit me with. Time came to a stop, shocking me

'Austral my child, you can not lose this battle, especially when you need to see your mate and family who are waiting for you.' I heard a voice state inside of my head, the voice was angelic, more so than Sandy's Voice

'Sing the words of prosper and I shall grant you our mother's power.' I heard the voice state, mother? Wait, Hema's Spirit is talking to me! Time sped up again, giving me time to dodge the attack. I took a deep breath once I landed on the ground, a few feet away from Maya who had a crazy look in her eyes

"Thy be Goddess of Gold... Thee shall be rewarded... By the Child Of Gold... To be in the presence of a Goddess, Guardian of Song come forth to reveal the path of truth and impurity.. Thy be Goddess of Gold!!!"

I felt something struck me like lightning, having a loud boom thunder across the sky. My hair stood up from the electricity striking me, I felt the energy I lost be regained, and even more than I had before. I felt Sandy take over, hearing her say something along the lines that I would not be able to hold this much power alone. Sandy used my arms and clapped them together, creating electricity to thunder under neath us. Maya stared at us in shock, only being able to watch this unravel before her very eyes. Sandy sent a string of lighting towards Maya, barely giving her any time to dodge the attack. We nicked her in the leg, having her leg be paralyzed. I heard her softly curse over the loud thunder above us. The rest, I do not remember, all I remember is that Sandy struck her again, a petrified scream filling the air, then I blacked out.

To Be continued

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