Chapter 9-Parallax

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"Mister Tuvok, take the main deflector off-line. Mister Kim, reroute the port and starboard plasma flow to the main deflector. We can use it to generate a warp field." said Janeway as people took to their stations. "Deflectors off-line." said Tuvok "initialising plasma flow." said Harry "release the warp particles." ordered Janeway. An orange beam hits the black hole, lighting it up. "Scanning the singularity." said Tom "anything?" asked B'Elanna "not yet. Warp particles at full intensity." said Harry

"I'm picking up something. A slight irregularity. It could be a rupture in the event horizon." said Tom "put it on screen" said Janeway "it is a rupture, Captain. It's fifteen metres by ten metres. "Damn it's too small. It must have collapsed since we first passed through it." said Kamisa. Kathryn smiled reassuringly at her goddaughter "we found the crack. That's the important thing. Now, how do we make it bigger." said Kathryn. "Put a wedge in it and force it open. We could try a dekyon beam." said B'Elanna. "All right, a dekyon beam. Mister Paris, bring us closer." said Janeway.

"Captain, if we get too close to the rupture our warp engines might make it collapse even further." said Tom. "Can we emit a beam from here?" asked Kamisa turning to her friend "the rupture's over fifty million kilometres away. We don't have enough power to project a dekyon beam that far." answered Harry. "We'll have to take a shuttlecraft." said Kathryn.

"You'll need the best pilot you've got in that shuttle, Captain. That'll be me." said Tom turning to Kathryn. "Getting there is the easy part, Mister Paris. We need someone who's familiar with the finer points of temporal mechanics, and unless you've been hiding your credentials, I don't think that's you. B'Elanna, you're with me. The Bridge is yours, Commander." said Janeway.

"Well then it looks like we can still go get a coffee, Harry wanna come?" Kamisa asked "hold on don't I need to approve this?" asked Chakotay "aunt Kath doesn't mind" said Kamisa shrugging, Chakotay smiled "thanks but I'll stay here" said Harry. "Okay, your loss" said Kamisa, she and Tom walked to the Turbolift.

Chakotay smiled "Harry, how's the betting pool going?" "Pretty well, not sure who's winning right now but I think it's Janeway." said Harry "speaking of which did she just call the Captain 'aunt Kath'?" asked Chakotay, "yeah, I wonder why" replied Harry.

In the shuttle "we've cleared Voyager." said Kathryn. "Shields at full strength." said B'Elanna "we'll reach the rupture in approximately four and a half minutes. Let's get that dekyon beam online." said Kathryn. "Remodulating emitters." B'Elanna sighed turning to Janeway, "Captain, I want to apologise for losing my temper in your Ready room. I think maybe you were hitting a little bit too close to home, you know? I respect Chakotay but he's wrong. I'm not officer material and we both know it. The truth is, I quit the Academy because I realised I couldn't make it in Starfleet, and believe me, no one was sorry to see me go." said B'Elanna "Professor Chapman was." said Kathryn.

B'Elanna turned to her in surprise "what?" she asked "he put a letter in your permanent file saying that should you ever re-apply, he would support you. He thought you were one of the most promising cadets he'd ever taught." said Kathryn. "I fought with him almost every day. I was always questioning his, his methods, his assumptions, and he was always slapping me down like some upstart kid. I was surprised he didn't help me pack my bags." said B'Elanna.

"Some professors like students who challenge their assumptions, B'Elanna. And so do some captains. Professor Chapman wasn't alone. Many of your teachers thought you had the potential to be an outstanding officer. You had more friends at the Academy than you realised." said Kathryn, she turned to the computer "we're fifteen kilometres from the rupture. Start charging the dekyon beam." she said "Dekyon beam online. (bang) Shields down to sixty two percent." replied B'Elanna "increase speed. We have to get to that rupture before these spatial distortions tear us apart. All right. Let's open this hole in the ice a little wider. Initiate the dekyon beam." said Kathryn.

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