Chapter 11-Time and Again

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The young boy is carried in, struggling. "Let me go!" he said "look what I caught sneaking around outside." said Terla. Kamisa sighs "oh, how wonderful" she mutters sarcastically, Kathryn shoots her a disapproving look. 

[Ruined room]

Harry leads the Away team into the now destroyed room that Kathryn and Kamisa we're in. "I'm still not showing any lifesigns." said Tuvok.


"The boy has nothing to do with any of this." Kathryn said looking at the boy, while Kamisa was scowling at the boy. "Is he yours?" Makull asked "no, he's just somebody we met here." said Kathryn, "don't trust them. They aren't who they say they are." the boy said still struggling "really?" asked Makull raising his eyebrows. "Thanks, kid." said Kamisa sarcastically. "Look, this is all a misunderstanding." said Kathryn, "they lied about coming here on the Continental transport. I talked to the attendant myself. Let me go." the boy said "what do we do with him? We can't let him go." said Terla "just put him over there with the other." said Makull. Terla sits Latika next to Kamisa. "Now stay quiet." said Terla.

[Destroyed Room]

In the destroyed room, Harry finds two melted comm. badges. "The comm. badge is designed to self-activate when the casing is destroyed to help searchers locate victims." said Harry, sighing "I guess it means they were caught in the explosion." said B'Elanna "it only means their comm. badges were caught in the explosion. Further speculation serves no purpose. I suggest we search for other tangible evidence." said Tuvok.


The tricorders are on the table, beside Makull. "None of us have seen devices like these before. Terla believes they're spy equipment." he said "they're for surveying property. I've been thinking of buying land here. I need to survey it." said Kathryn, calming down "I'd be curious to know how they work. Would you show me?" Terla asked, Kathryn saw and opportunity and went to pick up the phaser but Makull grabbed her wrist "but then one of them might be a weapon, and I wouldn't want you to show me how that works, would I?" asked Makull, Kamisa leans over to the kid "hey, kid, you were right about one thing. I was lying. I don't eat children." she said. "You don't scare me. My father works for the Media Bureau and when I tell him all about this" said the boy "what is he, some kind of journalist?" asked Kamisa frowning slightly "yes, and so am I." said the boy. "Is that right?" asked Kamisa.

"I report for my school journal. That's right where everyone's going to find out about you when I write about this in next week's edition." said the boy. "What's your name?" asked Kamisa "Latika." the boy replied "Latika. I'm sorry." Kamisa said "for what?" Latika asked "I just am." said Kamisa. patting him on the arm. "I realise how this must appear to you but I'm just a patriot." said Makull. "A patriot?" asked Kathryn. "I sincerely believe polaric energy has the potential to destroy this entire world." said Makull "and I take it very few people here agree with you." quipped Kathryn "we have more support since the accident at Markov. We know the companies are afraid of us. We know they've increased security at all their plants, but it will not be enough to stop us. We can't wait another week, we have to move up the schedule. We know they're not telling us the truth. We have to assume the government sent them. Tell everyone we begin at four hundred tomorrow." said Makull to Terla. "Wait a minute." said Kathryn following them both.

[Ruined Room]

In the ruined room Kes feels a presence pass through her. "Captain?" she asks turning.


In the room where Kathryn is, she feels her too and looks at the wall behind her "Kes?" she asks, Kamisa looks at the wall confused. "Do you have something to tell me, Janeway? If that's your real name." asked Makull, Kathryn turned around, knowing what she was going to do was a terrible idea but it was the best she had "it is my real name. Captain Kathryn Janeway of the Federation Starship Voyager." Kamisa stared at Kathryn in shock. "Are you insane?" she asked "perhaps, Kamie" Kathryn replied with a small smile.

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