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Imani tries to pay attention to the jazz singer infront singing in the fancy restaurant they're in but all she can think about is how Andrew was rubbing his hand up and down her thigh. They were seated in a curved booth and were next to each other.

The last singing gets off and the people clap for her and the room fills with chatter, piano and jazz.

A waiter comes up to them pouring some red wine in their glasses.

"So Andrew tell me about yourself." Imani's says.

"Im afraid there's not much to say I'm a boring guy." He says honestly.

"I'm sure you're not." She says

"I play piano. How about you ." He says.

"I you know. Do things." Imani says almost embarrassed to admit.

"I'm sure you do." Andrew says and Imani laughs

"I watch anime and read manga and stuff. I also really like musicals like obsessively so." She says

"That seems like pretty normal hobbies to me." He says confused about her way with words.

"I was bullied in middle school for liking anime and those stuff. When I was in highschool I stopped caring but I mean I still think about those times." Imani admits.

Andrew failed to understand how anyone could try and bully her.

The waiter comes back with their starters which is potato focaccia rolls. The waiters eyes linger on Imani's body as he walks away and Andrew takes notice of it visibly getting upset. Imani as usual doesn't realize the waiter looking at her but notices Andrew's change.

"Are you okay?" She ask

"The waiter was staring at you." He says annoyed

"There's no need to worry I'm here with you aren't I." Imani responds then looks at the singer going back to the stage.

If Andrew wasn't already in love he definitely was now. Imani didn't seem to realize the affect her words had on him. But everything she said around him came out naturally cause even though they weren't best friends she was comfortable around him and it was now she realized how much she liked him.

She liked seeing him a bit jealous it made him 10x more attractive especially cause he didn't go overboard and start threatening the waiter at least to her knowledge.

As the night proceeds they talk more and more about their lives and family finding out they have many things in common.

As they walk back to Imani was being carried bridal style by Andrew. Andrew saw her stumble once cause of a pothole and insisted on carrying her even in the elevator.

He stops inform of her door and he drops her.

"I had a good time tonight it's a shame it's coming to a close." Imani says

"There's always other times." Andrew says hinting at her.

"Are you indirectly asking me out to a second date." Imani says playfully.

"I guess I am."

"I'll see if my schedule is free." Imani says and Andrew chuckles a little.

She steps up to him and places a kiss on his cheek leaving lip marks that are lined in browned and red in the middle.

She turns around but is quickly turned back by Andrew who smashes his lips on her not caring about the lip gloss or liner on her lips.

She reciprocates the kiss running her hands through his hair and they eventually break the kiss.

"See you tomorrow Drew." Imani says with a big smile and enters her apartment.

Andrew smiles back and walks off with a smile on his face. He tells himself he's never going to wash his face again but he knows hygiene is important so he leaves her kiss marks on him till he has to go to sleep.

Imani on the other hand was on cloud 9. As she entered her apartment and heard his footsteps leave she squeals in excitement. And immediately FaceTimes Callie.

"Calllliiiieeee." She drags out.

"Immaannniii." Callie responds matching her energy. She sees the excitement on Imani's face and she knows what happened.

"Omg how was it." Callie says

"It was like a dream and now I can't stop smiling is this what it means to like a man." Imani's says. They continue talking before eventually ending the call.

Imani's plays Good Kisser by Usher while showering.
(I had to)

She puts a shirt on and lays in her bed thinking about the day and suddenly remembering the lady from earlier she looks at the number and decided to call it and someone answers.

But not a word is muttered. The person on the other line ends the call.

Strange she thinks she then falls asleep.


Imani wakes up to the sound of something falling in her living room. She quietly gets up and gets her phone and hides in her wardrobe.

Her first thought was to call the police but she decides on calling Andrew.

"Andrew." She says softly into her phone when he picks up the phone.

She didn't notice but tears were falling from her eyes when the footsteps got louder and closer.

"Imani are you ok?"

"Someone broke in to my apartment."

"I'm on my way."

"Please. They're still here." Imani says voice cracking.

The moment she says that Andrew moves faster forgetting to put on his shirt only wearing pyjama bottoms and getting his keys and drives to her apartment. He moved to a penthouse 5 mins from her just in case.

He wanted to be as close to her as possible. He was obsessed.

Imani switches off the light in her wardrobe when she hears her bedroom door burst open. She wraps her hands around herself and her ears crouched in the corner hiding in her clothes and she thanked God she had a shopping problem.

Andrew rushed through the reception telling the concierge to call the police and rushed to her apartment. Thankfully she was on floor 5. He rushed to her unit and her door is wide open with things broken.

The attacker was back to the living room making eye contact with Andrew then jumps threw the window near balcony Andrew checks after but the person is gone.

He walks into her bedroom seeing some things moved around.

"Imani" he calls out softly and stops moving hearing in the wardrobe.

He opens the door and sees her in corner crying.

"Imani." He says and she looks at his direction.
He rushes over kneels down by her and she immediately wraps her hands around him crying into his shoulder. He pulls her closer and she wraps herself around him while he stands up and he pats her back.

The police come eventually and Andrew talks to them briefly before bringing Imani with him to his penthouse. She had fallen asleep so he took her into his bedroom since the guest room wasn't actually set up for guests.

He lays her down wiping her under eyes so she didn't wake up with any eye crust and begins to walk away to sleep on the couch but she doesn't let go of his arm.

He gets his phone and puts on the security before laying down next to her. She snuggles into his chest as he wraps himself around her and rubs her back.

He hated that this happened to her but was happy that she trusted him enough to call first. Although the situation was bad he dreamed of having her in his arms and he finally got it.

Author note
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