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After an enjoyable holiday the family had returned back to their respective homes. Andrew had enjoyed his birthday which was filled with eating, exploring, Imani and sex. And also spending time with his siblings and mother. It was the Sunday before they resumed work and Imani was shopping for a new perfume.

As she was looking at the fragrances in Ulta she couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Considering she was shopping at night she thought that was the reason but she knew something wasn't right.

She goes to the cashier with her new Louis Vuitton perfume and some face masks. She pays for her things and heads out walking her car but stops. Something tells her to duck and she does and a bullet goes past her and into the wall of the building.

She runs to her car hiding in the back seats when rapid shots of bullets follow her.

She hears footsteps approach her car and she sucks in a breath not making a sound.

Her phone starts ringing and she closes her eyes as the door opens. Her legs get grabbed and she's pulled out of the car landing on the ground.

She groans in pain and opens her eyes seeing a man in all back but half his face was in a mask.

The sound of a car driving up makes Imani look only to see a black van. He pulls her up and she struggles against him. The van door opens and more people in black are there.

Somehow she gets enough strength to flip him over and runs. Unfortunately for her the woods was the only way she could escape to.

She runs through pushing away branches and trying to make it to the highways through the woods.

After about 10 mins her run turns into a jog as she sees an opening to the main road. As she closes up some thing runs into her and she hits her back into a tree.

The man from earlier sits on a motorcycle infront of her.

She tries to stand up but can't.

"God why." She says. The man roughly sits her up against the tree getting ropes to tie her up.

Imani moves her back feeling some discomfort  outside of the pain.

"Stay still." He says but she doesn't listen. He shoves her back into the wall and a bump in the tree hits her back.
Imani walks down the side of the road as cars zoom past her. She doesn't know how long she had been walking but her legs were tired. She doesn't know but somehow she blacked out and found her self walking.

Her legs lock and she falls on the ground of a park entrance. She sees a slick grey Mercedes stop infront of her.

"Imani." A female voice says but her eyes close and she falls into a deep sleep.

Imani's POV

My ears are filled with the sound of speaking  i could tell whatever was being said. I try to open my eyes but they're so heavy I successfully force them open and everything is blurry. I see a bunch of people in nurse and doctors uniform standing over me.

"We need to take her back A51 and put that chip back in safely." I see the man that had attacked me earlier and my eyes open.

Somehow I sit up but see that I'm in a bedroom. Was that a dream? I stand up from bed and I'm hit with pain in my legs causing me to cry out and fall to the floor.

I hold on to the mattress and slowly get my self up and look into the mirror. I look fine? Not a bruise or scratch from the branches I was running through. I lift up the shirt I have on and see a big bruise on my back. I try walking towards the door but after three steps I fall but I actually make a loud thud.

I open my door and crawl to what seems like an elevator and press ground floor. I sit on the floor of the elevator and before it closes I see a girl enter in.

"Do you need help."

"Nah I'm good." I say staring at her.

"My name's Luna."

I nod my head and reach my hands for her to grab and help me.

I put my hand over her shoulder and she wraps her hand around me as the elevator goes down.

When it stops at the ground floor we walk out and I see a kitchen with a man and woman talking backs facing me.

A buff man walks in takes me well carries me by my shoulders to a chair.

He turns around looking at Luna giving her a hug.

"Imani." I hear someone say and look up at the lady in front of me.

"Why do you know my name?" I inquire.
"Wait a minute I know you. You are at the meeting with Andrew also that man next to you that keeps looking at both of us." I say and look at him.

"We found you on the floor of the park what happened." Giovanni asks. I see his hand creep towards Lanea and she swats him away.

"I was at Ulta doing my thing and this guy shot at me and chased me through the forest and here we are." I say.

I lay my head on the table. Memories from the day before crash back to my brain and I feel overwhelmed.

"I'm tired." I whisper. And feel my eyes shut again and I fall back asleep.

I feel something touching my face and I try to move but my body just doesn't cooperate.

I open my eyes again and turn.

"Take it easy." I hear and see Andrew sitting on a chair near me.

He stands up and walks over to me helping me sit up.

"How are you feeling?" He says brushing my hair away from my face.

"Horrible. Hungry." I try to joke but tears were filling my eyes.

"What you want to eat."

"I dunno." He nods his head at me. He brings me closer to me laying my head on his chest and I sob into him.

Andrew's POV

My heart breaks at the sound of Imani sobs fill the air. I had called Imani's phone the night before cause she seems to be out longer than I thought for just buying a few things. I drove to Ulta to see if she was still there but saw her car door open and some blood on the floor. Her bags were still in there but she wasn't.

Driving around I looked for her until I get a call from Giovanni's phone.

"I set the bath up for you if you want." I say as she calms down. I carry her carefully into the bathroom helping her out of the shirt and shorts she was given and place her in the tub.

Someone knocks on the door and I open the door seeing Lanea.

"Can I talk to her?"

"She's in the tub I'll ask."

I walk over asking her is she wants to talk to Lanea right now and she says yes.

I walk out of the bedroom heading to the kitchen to make some food.

My beloved Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon