211: The Siblings Finally Reunite

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Lin Sanjiu clearly remembered that Reno 2, the one without the mark on his wrist, was on this floor. Even though she didn't constantly check his wrist, she was sure that before Reno entered the bathroom, his hands were clean, and he didn't have an "X" mark.

"But that explains things..." Mrs. Manas mumbled as if she had already figured out something. "Reno 2 is also fake. Even though we don't know how Reno 1 managed to come to this floor and replace Reno 2, Reno 1 did step out of this bathroom. Thus, he could activate his almanac ability."

"Is that really the case? The fake Rena had already expected Reno 1 to step out of this bathroom, so she devised that plan. But how did Reno 1 come to this floor? There are too many points that don't make sense." Lin Sanjiu kept feeling that there was something wrong. She had just managed to get some clues, yet the situation was immediately messed up by reality again. She thought silently for a very long time but, the end, still couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation to convince herself.

The worst thing about this situation was that she couldn't use her [Consciousness Mimicry] to mimic Nüwa's thought process. Mrs. Manas had emphasized this to her many times. "Don't keep thinking about it. You might think that you theoretically have enough Higher Consciousness to activate the ability, but you don't have a body right now. If you used up all your Higher Consciousness mimicking Nüwa's thought process, you might disappear from this world! Those siblings aren't in any lethal danger at the moment. But, even if they're about to die, I'm not going to let you take that risk!"

Lin Sanjiu understood where Mrs. Manas was coming from. When she was killed, she could have become a duoluozhong of Kisaragi Station if not for that little bit of Higher Consciousness that protected her consciousness and thoughts. When she was alive, using up her Higher Consciousness just meant that she would enter a deep slumber. When she woke up, she would recover her Higher Consciousness. However, now that she was dead, she could only recover and grow her Higher Consciousness because of the primary source from the nucleus of her body. Mimicking Nüwa required an incredible amount of Higher Consciousness, and if she accidentally used up her primary source in that nucleus...

"You mentioned that you remembered something," Mrs. Manas interrupted her thoughts. "How did you figure out who was real and who was the imposter?"

"Forget it," Lin Sanjiu replied, dejected. "I think I was wrong. It's okay, even if I don't know. Let's talk about it some other time." She slowly flew toward Reno, who was on the sofa. 'Should I call this Reno with the mark on his wrist Reno 1?' Lin Sanjiu thought.

Since he had proven that he could use his almanac ability twice, this should be the real Reno. Since living humans couldn't hear Mrs. Manas, Lin Sanjiu didn't find it necessary to be cautious about that.

"Where is that spirit?" Reno 1 asked. When Lin Sanjiu flew closer to him, she noticed that he was still shivering. He must have been badly affected by the attack. His teeth chattered as he asked, "Where is my sister?"

From his reaction, he just stayed in the apartment unit. He probably didn't notice that he had been shifted down a floor. Lin Sanjiu found the situation a little hard to explain.

'No, if Rena 2 was fake, Rena 1 (who has the dirty socks) is real.' Considering this, she had already figured out how to identify the real Rena and Reno. Lin Sanjiu couldn't help sighing with relief in her mind. Even though there were still many mysteries surrounding their situation, her priority was to find both of them and make sure that they were fine. Next, they must leave this dangerous place at once.

She spelled out to the Reno 1: LET'S LOOK UPSTAIRS.

The teenager seemed a little less worried. Without delay, he stood up, still shivering. "Lead the way; let's go."

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