chapter 1

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Taehyung entered class with the test result which   he took yesterday .He furrows his eyebrows when he sees the familiar name on a sheet of paper. He can't believe his wife failed her test again.

You hear him call out to you. He doesn't look happy at all. He holds your test paper in his hand, and you show an awkward smile. He mutters something under his breath that only you can hear, "be ready. I'll punish you later."

He continues in a commanding, yet sympathetic tone, "For those of you who have successfully passed the test, I want you to understand that you have worked hard to achieve that. And for those who have failed, I am very disappointed."

After class  you went into his office and knocked on the door as he gave you a signal  to meet him after the  class.

"Come in"he said without looking at the door . As he knows who would it be .

You went inside with baby steps you know you fucked  up again but still you courage yourself to go inside ..

"Ohh Mrs Kim you welcome" he said sarcastically and laughed then he stood up and walked over to you, his hands behind his back and a stern look on his face. Without saying a word, he holds up the paper with your failed test on it.

"How could you have failed again?" his voice is a mix of disappointment and frustration.

"I've been giving you extra classes and tutoring sessions, and still, nothing has changed. What exactly is wrong with you?"

You remained silent cause you didn't have any words you were never a brilliant student and you were those of students  who only study a day before the exam , marks do not matter for you ,but this is not in your hands anymore  ..

Taehyung shakes his head in disbelief. "Do you have anything to say for yourself, or are you just going to stand  there and be a failure like always?"

You look down and feel guilty after you close your eyes and said"sorry"

"That's all you have to say?" His face darkens and his voice becomes more intense. "Sorry isn't going to cut it this time. You know how important these tests are, yet you continue to fail. Clearly, you don't take this seriously enough."

Your eyes become glossy and you start biting your lips , it's your habit when you are sad you automatically start biting your lips and he also knows that too,  he notices you then sighs .

"Look at me". You follow his order and turn towards him, meeting his gaze. He studies your face for a moment and then leans closer, his voice a low murmur when he speaks again. "Do you have any idea how disappointed I am in you?"

You nodded and this moment you started to  feel tears flooding down your face as his words sting you deeper , it's the only emotional reaction you know how to respond with.

"Oh, now you're crying..." his voice has a hint of contempt now. "I guess it's fine if I punish you while you're crying then, no ? Is that what you want ? To be punished while you're crying ?"

"You know I don't like doing this to you." He pauses briefly before he speaks again, his voice harsher this time. "But you leave me no choice. You keep failing, and I keep having to punish you. It's getting tiring for both of us. I'd rather not have to treat you like this, but you make it impossible for me to do anything else."...

He sighs as he leans back in his chair, his eyes now filled with sadness. "I wish you would just listen to me, instead of always failing and making me punish you again and again."

He stares at you, his patience running thin. "Fine, we'll talk about it at home. Just know that I have a lot to say to you." He turns around with an intense expression on his face.

At home -

An hour later, you hear footsteps coming from the hallway. Taehyung  walks in calmly and closes the door behind him. His expression is still stern, but there is no longer any trace of hostility. He stands there in silence for a few seconds.

He takes a deep breath and turns to look at you quietly, "Now, I want to talk to you about your failed test." You can see that he's still upset with you, but he sounds much more composed. He sits down in a seat across from you.

You looked at him and said"Before that I want to tell you something "..

He raised is eyebrows and looked at you with curiosity"what is it ?"

"I want to drop out"you told him in one go without hesitation ..

Taehyung is taken aback by your statement. "Are you serious ?" He is not sure how to respond.

You nodded but you have no courage to look into his eyes .

He pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking again. "Let's not rush into anything," he says calmly. "Let's talk this out first. Why do you want to drop out of the program?"

"I am failing again and again and I am not sure if I will ever be able to excel in academics or not?"

Taehyung nods slowly. "I understand how you're feeling. I'm disappointed in your failed tests just as you are, but I don't want you to give up yet. I still have faith in you and believe that you can turn it around. Have you thought about what else you would like to do if you drop out?"

You sooked your head and this made him more concerned and furious he realizes that you haven't given much thought to your future. "Do you understand the gravity of dropping out? This will affect the rest of your life. You need to think about where you will go from here, and what profession you will pursue."

After listening to him you felt that you were really wrong,then you apologized to him "sorry"..

Taehyung sighs in frustration. "It's not enough to just say you're sorry. You need to think seriously about what you want to do and how you're going to achieve it. It's not too late to turn things around."

You were nodding every time when he  were talking to you  then he looked at you and said "so tell me what you do now?"..

You were still nodding then he shook you a little, you were shocked by his sudden touch and said"baby"..

To be continued....

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should i upload it or not ?

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