The Frame

18 2 9

If I were to tell you the truth
That I keep buried within
It aches to see you sharing the frame
And your smile with him

I am no good pretender at all,
Maybe no mask fits my face
Even when I convince there's no we,
that your affairs do not concern me
One thought, one whisper - a preface
Of you or your name changes it all

I know not if I ever will, if I ever could
Withold from feeling the ache of-
Of your and our sweet memories that pierce.
Now they taste salty, bitter so much like tears
That run down the same cheeks touched of
Off by your tender soothing hands with love.

If I were to really tell you the truth
That I struggle to purge from within
It aches to know that I love you when
You share the frame and smile with him

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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