Chapter Two

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 I ran. I ran through the school to the bathrooms in the English wing. A place not many would look from the abandoned stairwell. Not that anyone would come after me anyway. I just got back on my feet at this school because of stupid bullshit. Why is this happening to me again? Why do I always get dragged into bullshit? Why can't I just be normal? Why can't anything go in my favor! This is fucking exhausting.

"Dammit!" I yelled, hitting the top of the sink with my palm. I was more angry than upset at this point. Who the fuck does Spider think he is? Why does anyone care? It was one time, one night, and it wasn't planned. It is not like it will happen again. I closed my eyes and then opened them and looked directly in the mirror. My green eyes staring back at me a little red from the news, and already looking tired from this day. I took a deep breath and left the bathroom. I headed to my first class. Mr. Baker taught Biology and Earth and Environmental Science and I had him for both courses this term, but of course my first and last class of the day were science. At least, Mr. Baker could teach well and cared for his students, unlike the rumors about the other science teacher. I was the first one to make it to class as the English Wing's bathroom is only a short distance away from the Science wing. I found a desk at the far side of the room, third to the last row, sat down, and re-pulled out my novel trying to escape the thoughts in my head. This classroom was a lecture room and down the hall we had labs, but I still thought it was weird that this classroom was carpeted. That was how a certain arriving student did not gain my attention until the last bell rang and pulled me out from reading my book. When I looked up, diagonally to my right sat Spider, who was looking over his shoulder at me. I raised an eyebrow at him .Trying so hard not to look terribly annoyed, which I was, but to look more curious. His stare kept coming, and the more he looked at me, the more I became warm and my stomach started to flip. I was about to call out 'what?' to him, but before I did so, Mr. Baker closed the classroom door and started talking about what we would cover this term and Spider turned to face the front slouching back into his seat.

As the class went on, I tried my best to ignore the closeness that was Spencer White. Why did he have to choose that desk out of all the seats in this classroom? I could smell his aftershave from here. See some of his shoulder muscles outline through the back of his shirt when he flexed his hands on the desk. Why did he have to look so. . . Why did he have to look so dumb and annoying? He was such an ass, how could anyone like him. Why couldn't Mr. Baker be one of the teachers that gave us assigned seats so Spider could not choose his own seat? I swear. . . . if Mr. Baker says that these seats are going to be our seats for the rest of the year. This whole day is just over. The audible groan that left my mouth, and the slump of my whole body when I heard just "the seats you choose today will be your seat for the rest of term, unless I choose to move you" was much more dramatic than any "normal" reaction that Mr. Baker has seen from me as he raised his eyebrow at me in mild confusion at my reaction. I shrugged my shoulders at Mr. Baker, but hearing my groan, Spider turned around and observed me again. This time I refused to catch his eye. He is not worth my precious time. He turned around again when he realized that I wasn't going to pay him attention, and class went much quicker even though it was a lecture day of expectations and how Mr. Baker likes to do things in his classroom. At the end of class, Woodsy came on the loudspeaker "Attention Year 11's, there will be a mandatory assembly in the Gym next period. Attendance is required for Year 11's". I sighed. Rolled my eyes. This day couldn't get any worse? Could it.

"Gemma! Gemma! Gem! Gemma Dwyer!" Spider called in my direction as I tried to speed walk away from him and to the gym. I forget that my stout size does not assist in moving fast away from those who are almost six foot tall, and actually practices a sport that requires speed and agility. He was directly behind me even though I weaved between other students to try to maneuver my way away from him. "Gemma, come on!" he sighed with a whine in his voice. My hand moved into fists, or maybe they were in fists since I left the classroom. My jaw was clenched shut, and my breathing was rapid but I wasn't sure if that was from the speed walking, my anger building or both. Why can't this boy leave me ALONE? Not far from the Gym's doors, but not in the way of the entrance, I stopped and turned.

"What? What could you possibly want?" I gruffed. My fingernails digging into my palms creating moon like indents. "First , you tell me that it is all a secret. A summer moment. That you weren't going to tell anyone." My arms began to shake, as tears started to pool in my eyes. I wasn't going to cry. Not in front of him. I won't let them fall. "Then, I found my name on that stupid map that had to be made by someone here cause If I never told anyone then you did or you created the map!" I seethed. "I cannot have this conversation here. I won't do it, Spencer. I can't do it right now." I tightly closed my eyes trying to get the tears to stop, and I started to notice that my heated comments were gaining a crowd of onlookers. When my anger became directed at him, Spencer took a step back with his hands raised in front of him. His eyes shifted around us at the people beginning to gather.

"Gemma. I didn't tell anyone about us. I don't know how anyone's name got on that map." He signed in a bit of defeat for those closest to hear. As the crowd around us grew from those already inside the gym realizing that a commotion was going on outside, he then sarcastically stated "As if, I would think sleeping with you was news. What with you narcing on Dusty and all" He smirked trying to gain positive attention from his friends.

It was at this point that Woody stepped out the door yelling at everyone to get inside and take a seat. Other teachers began to help her corral the students back into the gym. She hushed them over the microphone getting everyone to quiet down when we waited for some stragglers. I was funneled into the Gym behind Darren and Quinni listening to Quinni share with Darren the observation that "It's mostly kids from our year level. It must be someone that we know." I realized that they both missed the courtyard incident I just had outside of the Gym. I sat down in the seat next to Quinni saying "Hi" and giving her a reassuring smile. A smile more for myself than anyone else at that moment. I ignored the rest of the students who did not, for once, seem to dwell on what I just yelled at Spencer nor what he said to me.

I glanced over Quinni's shoulder to see Dusty and Ant sit down next to him as he tried to catch Ant's eye in support of who knows what. Ant was fidgeting and ignoring Spider's half-amused smile. Staring in Spiders's direction I caught sight of Harper McLean walking into the gym with a whole new look. Curious, I thought as I heard Missy let out a "Holy shit, is that Harps?" a few seats away. The chatter started going on around me about the girl's new look. These kids were mean. I glanced in the boy's direction and saw him laugh at Harper's new look. How could anyone like him again? This boy and his stupid blond hair. Stupid cute smile with his gross asshole, cunt, attitude? I sigh remembering him looking at me in the loving way he did that night. What happened to that boy?

Woody started the assembly much to my dismay, "I am a woke woman. I enjoy sex as much as the next person." she stared. I slouch in my seat and close my eyes in slight discomfort, slight amusement. Why was she telling us this? I do not need to have any kind of imagery of my Headmistress getting it on with anyone. "Yes" she went on, "But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardized your reputation and the reputation of our school. On the first day back. We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are no more parties, shindigs, or gathos." My eyes closed in agitation. Today can get worse. I internally groaned, tilting my head back. Mom was going to kill me and if she did and Dad finds out I will be revived only to be killed again. I look back over Quinni;s shoulder to see Ant with his eyes closed in disbelief, and Spider with his arms crossed. Everyone around me was sharing unified annoyance with Woodsy. This year is already ridiculous. What else could go wrong at this point? Woody continued her rant "Hey! Hey! Unsupervised parties equals alcohol. Alcohol equals poor choices. The risk-taking behaviors outlined on this map are unacceptable. Hartley High prides itself on being a safe environment." Darren lets out a chuckle two seats down from me. Bring a smirk on my own face. I thought: Does it? Between the risk-taking teens on campus, the drugs, what is being shared all day on socials, is it a safe environment? What did you do to stop the bullying, Woodsy? How are you keeping us safe? This woman was out of her zone. Unbelievable. "But clearly this is a wake-up call that we are not doing enough. Oh, and we will find out who did this." Woodsey threatens. "Get to class" She orders. "Go, go, go, go, go!". I left the gym in the opposite direction of Quinni, Darren, and the boys. 

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