Chapter Twelve

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WEDNESDAY (continued)

Spencer was waiting for me in the open garage with his hands in his pockets when I reached the top of the steps.

"Hi" I smiled up at him. He seemed somehow both at ease, and nervous. He smiled back, pulling his hand out of his pocket to gesture to his car in the driveway. Letting me lead the way to his car. "Thanks for driving me" I shared while walking toward the passenger seat.

''Anytime" he said, climbing into the driver's seat. Once we were both in the car did he turn to look at me before starting it. "Hi," he said again.

"Hi," I muttered. Why was this uncomfortable? Oh, that is right because all he apparently can say these last few days is hi. I stared back at him, and waited. Dammit can he do something. Anything. Fuck it, I internally screamed at myself. I fisted the front of his black button shirt and pulled him forward until his face was level with mine. "If that is all you can ever say then don't say anything at all." I angrily stated while my eye kept drawing a line between his eyes and his lips. Once he clearly noticed, and didn't pull away, I pressed my own lips against his. It was like that was what he needed to wake up and after a short pause his lips started moving against mine. He leaned his hands out to caress my face and pulled me in to kiss me deeper, as I put my hands behind his neck. After a few minutes I pulled back. His eyes were still closed but there was a smile on his face.

I sat back in the passenger seat and had a smile on my face that matched his.

"Wow" he breathed out once he opened his eyes. I smirked and rolled my eyes next to him.

"What no smartass comeback?" I quipped.

"No. Just wow." He chuckled while actually starting the car this time. "I, uh, wasn't expecting that." he muttered, putting the car in ear and pulling it out of the driveway. I shrugged, still smiling out the window.

"But really, what's been up with you?" I started turning in my seat tilting my body toward him. "One moment we are snuggling and bonding over helping an Ant, and then you go partly cold, not even a text. And, before you say it, I was going to text you tonight if I didn't end up here to check-in." I started to rant. "I just don't know what you want. I keep thinking we need to talk, and I guess I am saying my piece now. I want us, if you do? I want to hang out, kiss, and have sex. I want to recreate the days we spent up North together this summer. I want snuggles and kisses, and I want to be able to feel like I understand all of you because it feels like whiplash going from Spencer to Spider, one extreme side of you to the next." I ranted into my hands that are fidgeting with each other on my lap. It was quiet for a minute before he spoke.

"You want there to be something between us?" He said quietly, almost like he was nervous about responding to me, and it confused me. Could I have not been any clearer? He looked at me out of the corner of his eye while paying attention to the road.

"I do. I like you Spencer White. You big asshat." I started while grabbing the hand that was settled in his lap as he drove one handed. "I want us to be a thing." I added.

"I want us to be a thing." He agreed looking at me clearly surprised I ranted like that. "I. . ." he started while gasping my hand harder. "I have a lot going on with basketball, and I am not sure how much I have to offer right now." He added. My stomach became queasy, and I squeezed his hand back.. After all that he was saying no or was he saying yes. He couldn't be saying no, could he? "But, I want you around. I will text more, and let you in more if that is what you need." He sighed.

"Spence what do you think this will be? I can't leave my house most of the time. You can't sneak in until I get my damn bedroom door back. We have school, basically." I half-laughed. He shrugged.

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