💜Chapter 8💜

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Third person's pov:

Y/n opened her rooms door just to be met by jin...

Jin: can I?

He asked to let him in...

Y/n: seems like u know some manners unlike ur brothers...

She says while letting him in her room...

He came and sat at the chair near the bed...

Y/n also came and sat at the bed...

Jin: ummm... y/n-shi pls give me ur hand...

She looked at him in a weird way... he just let out a single laugh making y/n to gasp a lil...

Jin: I just wanted to treat ur hand...

Y/n: omo... the kim seokjin can smile and laugh too...

She said to him making him pulling back his normal yet cold face...

Y/n: it's ok... that smile suits u jin-shi...

Jin: thanku...

Then he started treating her hands

Y/n: when did u noticed this??

Jin: huh??

Y/n: when did u noticed that I was not wearing my bandages and my wound is bleeding...

Jin: back at shopping day??

Y/n just nodded her head while observing his every move.. he was gentle...

Gentle like even if he would hold her hand a little hard she will break off or something....

Y/n: can I ask u something??

He just nodded his head indicating her that he is listening...

Y/n: maybe it's to early but I can't help my curiosity...

Jin: it's ok...

Y/n: do u hate me??

Listening to her question his moments stopped he looked up to meet her eyes searching for some kind of betrayal or lie... but he can't help then to see the pure love and adoration in her eyes...

The kind of love he was craving for past 15 years when his mom died... but he won't let his guards off this easily...

He again started treating her hands...

Jin: maybe...

Y/n: what kind of answer is this jin-shi...

Jin: see y/n-shi first of all call me jin... u r officially a kim now and elder than me... and second, even if we know the basics about each other from university... we still don't know each other... so it will take time ig...

Y/n:it's ok I understand... thanku for this... but sry I can't put that bandage on...

She said while she saw him taking a bandage in his hands when he was done treating her..

Jin: and why??

He asked whole raising his eyebrow...

Y/n: well.. see... I don't want anyone to get worried about me for this small cut...so yeah..

Jin: it's not a small cut y/n-shi...

Y/n: it's ok.. I'm fine... really...

Jin: if u say so...

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