Fate's Crossing

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"Bridgemond. We needed to figure out why the Riders were burning everything down. At least, we had to save the citizens," His leader told him.

"You were such a liar, old fool. We all knew you just wanted more power for your collection."

The old man chuckled, "I completely agree. This place was too small for my talents."

Alaric quipped, "Let alone mine."

"We both know you are weak."

"Then why don't we have a rematch?" The prince cockily responded.

The Master's smile disappeared.

"Continuing on, we need to get back to business. With the small force that we have at the moment, we weren't getting anywhere. Let alone killing the king himself."

Alaric was still opposed to the killing. "As I had said, there isn't a need to kill him unless we know the motives. Who knows, maybe he disappeared like the...crown prince."

After ending the small argument, the prince was informed about a meeting that the Master had set up at the same inn he was at last time. Alaric was also told that he had to depart for Bearbes to assess the damage of the Riders. If the news was to be believed, this would put him straight into the attacking parties that destroyed the city. He had argued against going, but it had been hopeless. His benefactors were holding the strings, and he couldn't put his connections on the line.

With them, Alaric asked around about the black bird crest, but unfortunately, hadn't gotten any information out of it. Whatever happened, the crown prince swore to himself that he would never kill his father, however he turned out to be. Alaric had been ignored by the King for his entire life, but even so, that man was his father. The soft words of the Master brought him back to reality.

"Alec, we know each other well. You know you can trust me. Bridgemond is safe, as you know. You...can you kill?"

Alaric nodded. "I can. It already happened to me."

During his own marriage, he had to kill many people to stop his future wife from being murdered. Now, he didn't even know where she went. Obviously, if she was still alive, she would be hiding somewhere. Being related to him was a crime in Lutra.

"Right, instead of going on a suicide mission, Bridgemond could be an easy way for you to assassinate all of them."

"I might kill, but I am not a coward, I would never kill anyone just like that." He said.

"They burned everything down, everything. Including your home and several other families. You know that, but you show no reaction. Do you not want to save everyone who was burned alive by the King's iron fist?"

Alaric had to tread carefully. "I know. The people who saved me died in those fires. I will take revenge, but not murder them in their sleep." His benefactor tried to convince him again, but Alaric shrugged him off.

"I am the only way you can make your machinations come to life. Please don't force my hand."

The man pondered for a while, ultimately having no choice but to accept what Alaric had told him.

"Alright, just don't blow our cover, and if you get caught, don't reveal you're part of a rebellion. Robert said he would provide you funds to get there, so you might need to return to the inn. You've been lucky so far, Alec. Don't mess up, or we'll all be hanged."

Alaric nodded grimly and departed. Passing through the metal halls adorned with numerous medals, he walked past numerous uniformed students. There were people who adored him and others who resented him for bypassing all the prerequisites to become a "disciple." Some of the students bowed to Alaric as he walked by. If only they knew he was already involved with the rebel forces. He rushed out with his swords, without the need for extra gear, and made his way to the familiar old inn to find Robert. Alaric had vowed never to kill someone from behind; it went against his principles. This mission would be nearly impossible if he didn't do so, but the prince would find some way to manage. That's what he always did.

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