Due Confessions

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In the coming months, their journey led them through the city, where they experienced the serenity of their surroundings and had an encounter that brought them out of the dirt.

A kind-hearted man crossed their path, extending a warm welcome into his circle, leaving Alaric overwhelmed with gratitude. This emotion, rare for him after enduring numerous hardships, now found its place. Yet, within this newfound comfort, Katherine persistently urged him to avoid burdening their generous host. Alaric planned to move on from the home, and Katherine had been researching guilds, as they were known for constantly traveling. Either way, they needed a way to meet back up with Veritas, and due to the abundance of bandits that had cropped up in Lutra, they couldn't afford a boat and a caravan.

As time passed, their acquaintance with the people who let them in, Aldred and Dalia. The couple tried offering advice to Alaric and Katherine, but it was mostly nonsensical. On one occasion, they suggested that Alaric would excel as a strong farmer due to his physical fitness, citing the demanding nature of farming. Alaric and Katherine struggled to suppress their laughter, but more often than not, Aldred and Dalia's advice proved to be sound. They also started sharing insights about potential work opportunities around the city, but Alaric's unwavering focus remained fixed on one place—the Battle Bowl.

Despite the disapproval of both Katherine and Dalia, he was determined to attend the event, and check out the regular duelers of the area. The night approached swiftly, and he was ready to get there on time. Alaric sprang out of bed, donned his armor with quiet precision, and ventured out into the night, cloaked and armed with swords purchased with whatever funds he could muster.

With purpose in his step, Alaric navigated the darkened streets. The Winter Solstice had always been a highly anticipated occasion, and witnessing the fierce battles between duelers had been his favorite activity as a young boy. Alaric felt a compelling need to attend, even at the risk of Katherine finding out where he had gone. His concealed weapons remained ever at his side as he traversed the familiar paths until the majestic coliseum loomed before him.

The capital, in all its splendor, could not match the resplendence of this singular colosseum, aglow with candles that illuminated it from within. Alaric entered, hearing the resounding cheers of the crowd as a combatant clad in white faced off against a challenger in crimson.

A man's booming voice echoed through a horn, capturing the crowd's attention as he introduced the combatants.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present The Salvation Rock! A fifteen-time Pinewick cup champion renowned for his deadly sword dives and impenetrable defense!"

He paused dramatically before continuing, "And on the other side, we have the Red Horror!"

The announcer cleared his throat, building suspense.

"The Red Horror, once an ordinary Pinewick local, has ascended through the ranks, ready to face his next challenger."

A raspy but unmistakable voice emerged from the center of the arena; it was the Red Horror himself.

"I shall claim the Valkyrie Pendant!" The fighter said, raising his hand, and in response the crowd erupted in fervent cheers. The entire colosseum burst to life, flags waving in the candlelight ambiance, creating a stunning visual spectacle.

Alaric couldn't help but be unsettled by the bloodlust emanating from the spectators.

"Rest-twixe As!" The announcer bellowed, a phrase Alaric hadn't heard in years.

Immediately, the fighters engaged with remarkable ferocity, their swords clashing and reverberating throughout the stadium, reminiscent of Alaric's own glory days. It was nothing short of breathtaking. As the battle between the Salvation Rock and the Red Horror intensified, both warriors found themselves locked in an intense and unyielding struggle. The crowd's excitement reached a fever pitch with each clash of their blades, and the atmosphere inside the colosseum crackled with electric anticipation.

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