The Engagement

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I was wearing a light pink dress with pearl white earrings and my painful pair of pencil heels as I walked over to the dinner table. I sat next to Mom and Alissa who were both anxious to see what was about to happen. We were all dressed up because it was our impromptu dinner for Bryan and Melissa. I kinda had an idea on what was going to happen but I didn't want it too.

But don't get me wrong, I love Mel but she's my only sister who hasn't gotten married yet. She's my only sister who understands me now, well sorta. She's also the youngest so no one expected her to get married anytime soon, she's only 20. I on the other hand should have gotten married a long time ago, I'm the oldest after all. But love is hard to find when you are 28.

The light began to dim as Mel made her way to the table. Bryan escorted her to her seat and like a gentle man helped her in. Then he stood up a little shaky and smiled at my family. "I've gathered all of you here today to witness one of the most amazing days of my life. If this goes as planned that is." We all laughed, as he cleared his throat and then continued. "Melissa, I knew from the moment I first saw you, that you were the one. You were sweet, funny, and absolutely beautiful." He got down on one knee as Melissa began to cry. He pulled out a velvet box. "Melissa Maryann Brooks, will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man on the earth? Will you marry me?" She was the same as every one of my sisters. She cried some more and then gave him a huge hug around the neck and through her sobs yelled yes and cried some more. We all congratulated them and just like the other 4 Times, things went smoothly.

I decided around 10 that I was done partying and made my way to my room. In there I did what i did every night. Scroll through dating websites and plan weddings. Because ironically I'm a wedding planner. I guess it makes sense though, I've been to a million weddings before this job, and I've always been fascinated. The only problem is I've never been the bride. Why is it so hard to find Mr. Right? Around 12pm I decided to go to sleep. I had to go to office for a very important meeting the next day.

Hope you liked it! I'll be updating every Sunday so keep your eyes open! 😉

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