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Brandon POV

It's only been a few hours since my heart was broken and now this? This made my blood boil but at the same time tears never stopped streaming out of my eyes. How dare Jack just swoop in and propose to Megan? I know I'm mad at Megan now but deep down I still love her.

Buzz... another text from Jack..

She said yes bro! Best man?

Ugh! I can't take it anymore the heart ache the pain! I can't do it anymore! That's it, I've made up my mind. I'm leaving this country.

There's absolutely no way that I'll stop loving Megan. But as long as I'm here I'll just get more heart broken and I'll just keep meddling with their plans. It's better for everyone if I leave.

So if it takes that to make her happy, then I'm leaving.

She deserves Jack, but I can't say the same the other way. But they love each other, I'm just a rebound.

I'm always just a rebound.

And with that I began packing and planning to move to Mexico.

That was as far as I could go with a nurse salary.

As far as I could go to forget.

Forgive, and love again.


Megan POV

I was sitting at my desk sorting through venues and cracking numbers down. But most importantly trying to get a hold of Brandon. I know he's mad but I want to explain everything to him.


I pulled into the hospital parking lot in hope to find Brandon inside so I could talk to him.

As I walked in I braced myself to talk to Brandon but to me surprise he wasn't there. So I went to the front to ask the lady at the desk where he was.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, he quit." What? Why would he do that?

"Do you know where he is now?" I asked quickly.

"I think he said something about Mexico but I'm not sure." Why would he be in Mexico? As far as I know his whole family is in the states.

"Okay thank you!" I said giving her a warm smile and walking away.

Mexico. What the heck is in Mexico that he would need to drop everything and move there?

That night I called Jack up to see if he knew anything about Brandon's abrupt moving.

"Hello Jack? This is Megan.."

"Hey what's up?"

"Do you know about Brandon moving to Mexico?"

"Mexico? No. Why is he moving to Mexico?"

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you." I huffed in exhaustion It's been a long day.

"I'll ask him. I'll text you in a few."

"Okay bye!" And with that I hung up.


Jack- Something about us...he thinks that we are getting married somehow.. So he couldn't deal with that.

Me- What? Why would he think that?

Jack- Beats me.

Me- Ugh. I wish he would've told us.

Jack- why?

Why? I don't actually know why. Jack and I are apparently back together so why does it matter about Brandon and I? He never said we were dating right...oh shoot he did during the wedding.

But we are broken up right? I mean he moved to Mexico after our fight.

Yeah Megan just keep rolling in those excuses.

Why are my feelings to him so confusing? Ughhhhhhhhhh!


Well I'm sorry to say the next chapter will be the last chapter. It will be held 3 months later into where you are reading now. This book was meant to be a short book and as you can see with only 21 chapters it definitely is. Thank you so much for reading this book, and I hope you are excited for the last chapter.

Always the Bridesmaid, Never the BrideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang