Fixer Uper

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It has been about 2 weeks of me sulking around the apartment about Jack. He hadn't returned to work yet because of his eyes and I had brought it on myself to work from home. We weren't in touch anymore but that was okay with me. I needed time to heal and to move on. It's not everyday someone steals your heart and then brakes it. But throughout my life I've had tons of heart break and with experience comes knowledge.i needed to get back into the game.

I scrolled through my old dating website account and to my surprise I got a match.
Brandon, I read up on him and sure enough we were compatible. I immediately messaged him.

"Hey, this is Meg. Looks like you and I are compatible. Worth a shot right?"

Almost immediately I got a response. "Yeah! Why don't we meet at the cafe on North street?"

"Sure! 6 okay?" I replied quickly.

"Perfect! Until then..."

I turned off the computer and quickly started getting ready. I had only an hour to look  pretty and right now in my sweats and messy bun, I needed help.
I quickly sprayed some perfume into the air, my favorite Warm Vanilla Sugar, perfect for the fall weather. I made my way to the full body mirror, wow I clean up nice! I was wearing a black off the shoulder dress with my favorite pair of flats. I quickly grabbed my clutch and iPhone and made my way out the door and into the car. I wonder what Brandon will be, like his profile or a creepy 80 year old pervert. I shake that thought out of my head as I pull into the parking lot. A red mustang parked right next to me and out of the car comes the actual hottest guy in the world. He looked a lot like Jack but he had larger muscles and just as he noticed me he introduced himself.

"I'm Brandon, are you by chance Megan?"

'That's me!" I said with a smile like a kindergartener during roll call. He smiled a real genuine smile and gosh he looked adorable while doing so. He's got a smile that can light up this whole city easily.

As we made our way into the cafe I glanced over myself and then sat down across from Brandon.

"Wow, you look so beautiful." He said after a moment of scanning the menus. I blushed and hid my face. But as I looked back up at him my heart began to hurt. He looked exactly like Jack, only Brandon had deep sea blue eyes that as the date went on I got sucked into.


"So you have a brother?"

"Yeah, but he's in some deep trouble right now. He walked out on the girl of his dreams."

"Oh wow. That's sad, what's his name?" I said trying to make conversation.

"His names Jack. " my heart began to flutter and my whole face fell at the mention of his name. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing .... What's your last name?" I quickly asked while pinching myself under the table. I had to be dreaming, how could this be happening?

"Brewer...why? You want to take it?" He replied with a devilish smirk . No wonder he looked so much like Jack, wow it's a small world.

"Wait are you...." He asked.


"Well then this is awkward...."

"Yeah..." I said awkwardly.

"You know, my brother is perfect for you. He made a  mistake with Natalie but, he'll come around. But I think it's best we don't date."

"I agree. Thank you Brandon for such a wonderful night."

"Anytime for a beautiful girl like yourself." I smiled as I walked out of the restaurant. So this is what happens when I meet a decent guy.

That night as I toke off my makeup and prepared some files to bring to the office my mind kept coming back to what he said "You know, my brother is perfect for you. He made a  mistake with Natalie but, he'll come around. "

Doesn't he understand that Jack and Natalie are having a baby together? There's no time for us. I huffed in exhaustion. His words ringing through my mind as I tried to sleep.

This book is going to be pretty fast paced, I hate when books take forever to get interesting etc. so I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen. New Update this Monday!

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