4️⃣ 6️⃣

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Author's pov

"Don't worry I'll be the reason you will meet them again. Goodbye" Saying this Xia aimed in the middle of Kira's eyes and pulled the trigger.

She turned to see Lucas and Martin standing at the door. She ran towards Lucas and tightly hugged him.

Feeling the warmth and safety of her brother's arms, she broke down. All the strength she had shattered and she felt drained. The cold mafia princess left the scene, now it was just an innocent angel.

Lucas tensed feeling her tiny body going limp in his arms.

"Martin start the car and make the arrangements at the hospital," Lucas said and both the brothers ran to the car.

When they reached the hospital, their whole family were already there. Once everyone saw the broken state of their princess, their heart broke. Her face and her body were painted red and blue. Tears stained their eyes.

The doctor immediately took Alicia to the examination room. Everyone was suggested to wait outside. As the time passed, her family was getting impatient. It's been half an hour and the doctor is still inside. Elisa (Tita) was barely holding back Issac from busting the door where Xia was.

After about an hour, the Doctor came out of the room to address the family. Everyone surrounded him with questions and hopes in their eyes.

"How is Alicia, Doctor?" Lucas asked impatiently. He thought if he didn't get the answers now, he would go mad.
The doctor was shocked to see so many emotions in the eyes of the stone-cold man.

"She will be fine, Jefa. She has lots of bruises and blood loss. But bruises will heal with time and she needs to eat healthy so that her body can cope with the weakness she would have due to blood loss. I have dressed her wounds. She is sleeping right now due to the effects of painkillers and will be up in two hours or so. Princesa is a fighter, she just needs the support and love of her family. You can take her home tomorrow. Just make sure she is happy it will speed up her recovery." informed the doctor.

(Jefa= boss)

Everyone sighed in relief and went to the room where Xia was resting.

Elisa sat on the chair next to her bed and patted her head. Not able to see her broken condition, Martin left the hospital and went to the warehouse. Today even God can't save the captives from the wrath of Martin.

Others found a comfortable spot in the room and waited for Xia to wake up.

After about three hours, Xia woke up. She was confused about where she was and what was happening. She looked around and found all her family sitting around her.

Nicolas helped her to sit, while she reminisced the events that led her to the hospital. Xia can't believe she took 4 lives today. She was the reason behind their death.

She was hyperventilating, almost panicking. She looked around the room when her eyes landed on her Tito. She knew where she would find the answers.

"Can," she couldn't speak, her throat was so dry. Yahel quickly filled a glass with water and made her drink it. Initially, it pricked to even swallow the water but as she finished the whole glass, she felt at ease.

"Can I talk to Tito alone for a moment?" she requested.

Everyone was confused but respecting her request, they left the room and waited outside. Normally everyone in the family avoided being left alone with the stone-cold grandfather, so Xia's request shocked them.

While inside the room, Xia burst out crying.
"Tito, I am a bad girl, I don't deserve to be the princess, I killed four people today. I don't deserve all this love and care," she said wiping her tears, though it wasn't helping as a fresh set of tears kept flowing from her eyes.

Alejandro tightly wrapped his arms around his precious granddaughter. He only left her when her crying reduced to hiccups. He offered her more water and kissed her forehead.

"Alicia, what made you decide to send those people to hell? Something provoked you or you did it in self-defence or just to escape."

"I didn't do that just to escape, I knew my family would eventually find me. Even when they hit me, I didn't retaliate, I sat there quietly. But then Kira said after me, she would destroy our family and kill Lucas. That's when I decided, come what may, I'll leave this place and protect my family. I won't let anyone hurt my brother."

"Now think again and tell me do you regret holding a gun in your hands." he calmly asked again.

Alicia repeated her and her grandfather's words. She got her answer indeed.

"No Tito, I don't regret what I did. And if I have to, I'll do it all over again for my family," she said with confidence, tears vanished from her eyes. He lovingly patted her head.

"That's my girl. Mi azúcar, you feel bad because you think you took four lives. But if those four people were left alive, they would have harmed tens of innocent beings. Next time do the maths before guilt-tripping yourself." he said with a teasing smirk.

(Mi azúcar= My sugar)

"Don't tease me Tito, I fought like an action movie hero today, so you better not test me," she said flexing her nonexistent muscles.

"Oh My Highness, I apologize, please forgive your innocent Abuelo. I am scared and accept my defeat," he said in a very fake scared tone. Both of them busted out laughing at his antics.

Good thing that no one else was in the room or they would have fainted to see the Alejandro Ortiz joking and laughing. Once they were done laughing their hearts out, Alicia asked him to call all the family inside as might want to know about the kidnappers as well.

Everyone got settled inside the room, she noticed that Martin was missing.

"Lucas, can you please call Martin and give me the phone." he obliged.


"Tintin, I am giving you ten minutes to get here otherwise no hugs for ten weeks. Also, get me chocolates on your way back. Come fast but drive slow." she finished her monologue and hung up the phone not giving Martin any chance to utter a word.

But here threats do work well on her family, Martin was standing in front of her with chocolates in just nine minutes.

Once everyone was there she recounted all the events about Kira, her uncle and parents. Ortiz family was shocked, surprised, sad but ultimately proud of their princess and her bravery.


Happy reading :)

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